I saw this on a few blogs I follow and always love these getting to know you things.
First thing I do in the morning:
Hailey is usually my alarm clock, so I get her from her room and she lays in bed with us for a bit while we "wake-up." I usually let the dogs out, too.
Me "waking-up" consists of laying in bed and catching up on 1) Instagram 2) FB 3)Twitter. Usually in that order. My Husband thinks I am ridiculous for being addicted to social media. I say he just doesn't get it. Ha!
First thing I do when i get home from work:
Let the dogs out of their kennel and if I'm not going anywhere else then I usually change out of my work clothes into comfies. Make dinner. Eat. Watch Tv.
First kiss:
Oh my. The first one I actually remember was in 10th grade with my first boyfriend, Jeff.
Before that I don't know.
First home:
Up until 3rd grade, my family moved just about every year. Since my Mom had me at 16, we first lived with my Grandparents in their farm house. From there we lived in Detroit Lakes (Pre-school), Alexandria (Kindergarten), Plymouth (1st Grade), Bloomington (2nd grade) and then finally Eden Prairie. My parents have lived in the same house since.
First car:
My first car was a '91 Chevrolet Blazer. It was my Dad's and then when I turned 16 (1999), he gave it to me. It was grey and an SUV. I LOVED it!
First traffic violation:
It happened shortly after I got my license. It was a speeding ticket. I was mortified. From then I didn't get another one for over 10 years!
First thing I wanted to be when i grew up:
A teacher and a Mom.
First drink of choice:
Depends on the time of day, my mood and craving. In the morning I usually get a Caramel Cooler from Caribou. Daytime is either water or if soda then I choose Coca-Cola. At night usually milk or water. Alcohol of choice is anything Reisling
First dessert of choice...
Warm chocolate chip cookies or brownies. See how they are both plural? Yes.
First restaurant of choice:
Usually I will pick Big Bowl, but lately it's been Mongos. Yummy!!
First song that comes to mind:
I would say anything Justin Timberlake, since both my Husband and I are OBSESSED with him. I don't have one song on the brain right now. I LOVE music and my favorites are always changing.
But Elvis Presley - "Can't Stop Falling In Love" is our song.
First major purchase:
Was my first car I financed after the Blazer. A 2002 Toyota Camry that I got in 2004. I loved it and had it until after Hailey was born in the fall of 2011.
First job:
Proex Portrait Studio in Eden Prairie (RIP). I started when I turned 16 and worked as a photographer and customer service. They trained me and I loved everything about it. Worked there all through HS and College until I turned 21 and got my big girl job.
First time I flew:
Teenage years. I went with my Aunt and Uncle and cousins to Florida for spring break one year. It was so fun!!
First "big girl" job:
I started as a "Case Assistant" for a big downtown Mpls law firm. I was in my last year of school and it was part of my internship. I ended up being hired on and got paid and then when I graduated paralegal school I got a promotion. I was there for 2 years, learned a ton and loved every minute of it.
What are some of your firsts?
Leave me a comment if you decide to do this fun little "Get to know Me" post.
1 comment:
I miss Caribou Coffee! I lived in Illinois for a year and a half and I got attached to it. We don't have Caribou in Seattle. :(
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