October 26, 2012
This is you at 16 Months:
On October 25th we FINALLY went in for your 15 month appointment. Only a month late, no biggie, right?
You weighed 24 lbs (80%).
You are 31 inches tall (52%).
Your head is 18 inches (46%).
You are just so funny and goofy all the time.
You weighed 24 lbs (80%).
You are 31 inches tall (52%).
Your head is 18 inches (46%).
You are just so funny and goofy all the time.
You can find endless ways to entertain yourself.
You have been going to school now a couple days a week.
You still cry when we drop you off, but are always a happy camper when we pick you up.
You are in what they call the "Busy Babies" room.
You are learning to use sign language at school.
You were the Star of the Month at school.
You love to paint and get dirty.
You make cute projects at school.
You still love to play outside. Especially at school. They have all sorts of neat toys and a big jungle gym.
You love to climb.
You still love to swing.
You would stay outside ALL day if we let you.
You also love to go to the mall and play. I can see us doing this regularly this winter.
You went to a Lynx playoff game on October 14, 2012.
You still sit in the cart pretty good, as long as you are holding something.
You love to make a mess with your toys.
You don't like cleaning them up though.
You love to dig in the cereal containers at Papa's house.
You are so adorable in your new winter peacoat that I got at Old Navy.
We get so many compliments on it.
You are wearing mostly 18 month clothes.
You are wearing size 4 diapers.
You love to sit in your princess chair and watch cartoons.
You are still a good rider in the car.
You always look so peaceful when sleeping.
You went to another family wedding on Saturday, October 20th.
You danced your little heart out all night long and were the hit of the reception!
You are getting into all sorts of crazy places.
You love to wear Mama's slippers or shoes and walk around the house.
You ate some yummy Mac & Cheese at the Fall Family Festival at school on Thursday, October 25th.
You are trying and eating all sorts of things.
You love "nanas." (Bananas)
You still love bath time.
You love to give your puppies kisses. Bella is the only one that will actually let you.
You love your Daddy to pieces.
You think he is so funny, which he truly is.
You love to be the center of attention. I wonder where you got that from.
You started on a real bedtime routine this month. We watch Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood in the living room as quiet time with a sippy cup of milk. Then we head into your room and sit in your chair and read a few books. Then we lay you down in your crib for "Night Night."
You do not take the bottle anymore before bed. We got rid of that cold turkey and did the cry it out method. It took a few nights, but you caught on fast.
You have the cutest little smile!
You are just so precious to us and we love you so very much!!
She's a doll, Leah - I know I've said that before but, she really has such a bright, cheerful smile. She's at such a fun age, too - I love the pics of her climbing into her toy bucket. :)
our girls share the same middle name!!! Avrie Jo
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