2. My initials are LAD.
3. My initials use to be LAS.
4. I am married to my best friend.
5. I do not have any human babies yet.
6. I do have 4 fur-babies.
7. I am very blessed for the people in my life.
8. I believe in Karma.
9. I have 3 younger siblings.
10. I have a few best friends who are all amazing.
11. I have sensitive skin.
12. My eyes are hazel.
13. I love watching televison and probably watch too much.
14. I usually don't wear nail polish, unless it is clear.
15. I only have two Grandma's left living.
16. I don't like or hate school.
17. I always got good grades.
18. I'll be 28 in April.
19. My homepage is Google.
20. I was almost adopted.
21. My Mom gave birth to me when she was a junior in high school.
22. My Grandma raised me in my early years, while my Mom finished school.
23. I have been scrapbooking for years, but do not have a lot to show for it.
24. I've been working since I was 16 and I am grateful for that.
25. I love my husband's family and glad they are now my family.
26. I think of blogging as a journal and scrapbook.
27. Sometimes I get car-sick if I am riding in the back seat.
28. I'm a MN sports fan.
29.Me and my Husband each have our own DVR's.
30. I do not have any tattoos, but want one.
31. I know what I want, but do not know where I want it.
32. I'm a people person, but I also like my personal time.
33. I have a 4th sibling who died from SIDS when I was in the 6th grade..she was 3 months old. She would be turning 16 on 12.17.2010, which also happens to be my Mom's birthday as well.
34. My parents didn't get married until I was 6. I was the flower girl.
35. My parents are high school sweethearts.
36. I would love to learn how to cook better and cook more.
37. I would like to travel more.
38. I pretend that planes are shooting stars.
39. I am so not a morning person. I am a night owl.
40. My favorite color is green.
41. I like a lot of different movies and couldn't pick just one that is my favorite.
42. I am a good trouble shooter with computers.
43. Def Leppard is my favorite band and I have seen them in concert like 6 times..
44. I love my Mom and she is one of my best friends. I tell her everything.
45. I do not play an instruments.
46. I LOVE the holiday season.
47. I take way to many pictures of everything.
48. I like to play train dominoes or monopoly, otherwise board games aren't my thing.
49. I didn't play any sports until I was in high school. Then I played soccer through the city.
50. I'm fascinated with how a baby develops inside the human body.
51. I like most music except for country.
52. I love to read.
53. I hate bugs, snakes, rodents, etc.
54. I'm scared of big bodies of water.
55. I have a fear of drowning or getting burned alive.
56. I like looking at and being at the ocean, but I don't really like being in it.
57. I love the blogging world and find other people's stories fascinating.
58. I wish I had a green thumb.
59. I used to only drink beer, now I am a wine gal.
60. I love celebrations/parties/gatherings.
61. I have a lot of freckles for having dark hair.
62. I'm somewhat spoiled when it comes to my Husband.
63. I got Lasik in January 2010 as a Christmas gift from Husband.
64. Before that I wore glasses since 6th grade and got contacts in 8th grade.
65. I like to find good deals on clothes.
66. My flower girl, Briana, is the daughter of one of my best friends, who was 3 at the time of my wedding, screamed all the way down the aisle. It was actually hilarious. She just turned 8 on Tuesday 11/30.
67. Ignorance is one of my pet peeves.
68. I have seasonal allergies.
69. My Husband is THE funniest guy you will ever meet and if you know him you will agree with me.
70. I love Caribou Coffee, but not normal coffee.
71. I know hitting snooze makes me more tired and I still do it.
72. I can be quite the procrastinator.
73. Doing dishes is my least favorite chore.
74. I am thankful my Husband helps with chores.
75. I love giving gifts.
76. I love sleeping and naps.
77. I've been a bridesmaid three times in my life so far and it's all been within the last year or so.
78. At some point in my life I want a Boxer. I want to name it Killebrew and call it Killa.
79. I do not own a home, but hope to someday soon.
80. I have an obsession with sunglasses.
81. I broke both my wrists in 3rd grade.
82. I have never skinny dipped.
83. It doesn't take much to make me happy. I am usually easily entertained.
84. I think DVRs are the best things ever invented.
85. I want to use coupons more.
86. I use gmail for my email.
87. I love helping people.
88. I want to be more green.
89. I love my job and my boss.
90. I can't go anywhere without chapstick.
91. I stay up too late sometimes, although I am getting better.
92. I can tell when I'm getting irritable.
93. I live by the motto "everything happens for a reason."
94. One of my favorite things to eat is plain noodles with butter and Parmesan cheese.
95. I like dogs that look mean, but really are just big teddy bears.
96. I am a good listener.
97. I don't believe in outside dogs.
98. If I could I would have a million dogs and just rescue them all.
99. The best place on earth for me is on my couch with my Husband and our dogs.
100. I really want to be a Mom.
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