Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tuesday Tunes {Five Seventeen Sixteen}

Tuesday Tunes {Five Seventeen Sixteen}
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
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Welcome to Tuesday Tunes! I have done Music Monday in the past, but I hope to make this a regular thing each week.

I am LOVING this new(er) song by Blake Shelton. We pre-ordered his album and all the songs so far are just so great!! I also just love him as a person.

What songs/music or artist should I check out?
Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday Favorites {Five Thirteen Sixteen}

Friday Favorites {Five Thirteen Sixteen}
Friday, May 13, 2016
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I am so ready for the weekend and have LOTS to get caught up on after coming back from Jamaica. We've been home for a week and I'm still behind on life. Well, mostly laundry, but still.

Here are a few favorite things this week:

This lotion saved my body from the sun. I still had some pain and peeled (a lot), but it was a life saver. And smells SO good! #ismelltropicalallthetime

I've been loving this show, but I heard it's cancelled. Bummer. Oh well. I thought it was great. And who doesn't LOVE Sarasin (Friday Night Lights anyone?) and the chick from Newsroom. #creepydrama

I got this shirt from Target before Jamaica and finally wore it. Casual Friday...holla!! Also, I am wearing my 2nd pair of skinny jeans that I got from Walmart. Yes. Walmart. Every once in awhile I will find a gem of a clothing product and well, that's these. They are the Jordache brand that Sarah Jessica Parker endorses. And hey, if they are good enough for her, then they are good enough for me.

They are about $16.00 and I loved them (and wore the crap outta the first pair) that I bought a second pair!! I originally bought the first pair last fall when trying to find a pair of skinny/stretchy jeans post pregnancy. I immediately fell in love and you cannot beat that price. Woohoo!! #noshameonmywalmartgame

I love everything about THIS post that my friend Mandy wrote. As I stated above, I'm behind on life...my house needs cleaning, my calendar needs updating, and we have a ton of clothes that need putting away...not to mention we are moving in a month and need to start packing/purging, etc. But this article says it all!!

I also Love Love Love THIS one!! She says it so good!!

Loving this song and so much more...Drake, Cole Swindell, the list goes on! #dancedancedance

A photo posted by BigDradio (@bigdradio) on

So my Hubby completely surprised me with photos of our kiddos for Mother's Day. This one is my fave! Of course, I cried. Look how cute and big and old they look. Hailey is going to be 5 next month. Wahhh!!! #tears I just love how much they love each other!! #allthelove

Another one of our children. I love when she makes him laugh. He is OBSESSED with her!!

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And of course I am loving this guy. I bought this Eric Church shirt for him almost 2 years ago and he is just now able to fit into it! He has come such a long way in the last 7 months. I am so proud of him and to call him mine!!

That's all for now folks. I hope you have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Bubble Run 2016

Bubble Run 2016
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
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So on Saturday, March 26, 2016, we completed the Bubble Run. We woke up at about 6:30 am and got moving. The race was set to start at 8am. We were supposed to meet some friends, but they were way ahead of us and we just told them to start without us.

1. Love the shirt, but none of the paint stayed on the shirts after we washed them which was a bummer.
2. Before the race started they had one of the cannon's spouting off blue bubble's.
3. There were so many people there. We started in waves. There was such a fun energy to this race.
4. It was SUPER windy, which made it cold at first, but Hailey was a trooper and was so excited to get going.

5. Pink bubbles!
6. Griffin pretty much slept the entire time.
7. Power walking with the stroller.
8. Our beautiful Hailey in the midst of bubbles.

9. Hailey covered in blue bubbles and having a blast!
10. Family photo. Griffin didn't know WHAT was going on.
11. Mama and Hails in some green bubbles.
12. Daddy and Hails with yellow bubbles on her face. Haha.

 Overall it was a fun race and we all had fun and most importantly we did it as a family!

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