Monday, September 8, 2014

I'm Back!

I'm Back!
Monday, September 8, 2014
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Well Hello Friends,

After taking the summer off, I am BACK! It was an unintentional break, but much needed.

I wanted to spend as much time as I could enjoying the beautiful Minnesota summer with my family. It's only the second week of September and we're already forecasted for 50's this week. Ugh. (Summer don't leave us yet!) It always goes way too fast!

A quick little update:

I started a new job at the beginning of June after a month long transition from my old job, into a temp position, and then into my current position. After three months at the new firm, it's still going great. I love my two bosses and everyone I work with. I really missed the big firm environment with the staff meetings, treat days and even a monthly firm lunch. And even though I am much, MUCH busier (read = not much personal time during the work day), it's truly a great place to work.

Hailey turned 3 years old over the summer and is doing great. She's continuing in her pre-school classroom at her daycare center. She is getting so big and I fear her turning 4 years old will be here before I know it. Wah! She's truly developing into her own little person with her own opinions and likes/dislikes. She started dance class this past Saturday and although it's quite a commitment on the parents part, I am excited to see her grow and learn.

Wayne also turned another year older this summer and stayed busy with lots of work events, softball  and we made it through another year of the State Fair!

After both of us taking a haitus from the gym this summer, we are greatly looking forward to getting back at it very soon!

I have missed you all and the blogging world and so happy to be back!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Potty Training Tips

Potty Training Tips
Thursday, May 29, 2014
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**This is a sponsored post by Cottonelle, but my satisfaction with their clean care routine is all my own.**

Hailey's been potty trained for almost 6 months now, but I've got a couple products that I recently found that will make your bathroom routine so much easier for those just starting out.

First of all, you need a great toilet paper, otherwise known in my house as bum wiper. It shouldn't be cheap or thin, but thick and durable. Cottonelle® Clean Care toilet paper is where it's at. There is nothing like a toddler ripping it off the roll and obviously not worried about how much they are taking. But as a Mom, I sure am. You need to be confident that even the littlest amount they may grab will do the job.

Secondly, I always liked having some sort of wet wipes in the bathroom. I feel the whole dry + wet combo is best for toddlers learning how to wipe themselves and ensure me that Hailey always has a clean bum. I don't want to have to worry about any leftovers if you know what I mean and I am so satisfied with the Cottonelle® Flushable Cleansing Cloths. The container is super cute and fits perfectly on the back of the toilet.

It keeps the wet wipes moist which I was finding hard to do with other kinds. They don't get dry or crusty which is what I was looking for in a product like this. Plus, they are super accessible for Hailey when she needs it.

How great is that? I highly recommend these Cottonelle® products which I purchased from my local CVS. They always seem to have great deals on anything you need. Go to their website now and download the CVS Cottonelle® coupon for this product.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Life Update: My Job

Life Update: My Job
Thursday, May 1, 2014
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So last Friday I got the shocking news from my boss that she is closing down her law practice as of June 1st. I'm not going to bore you with the gritty details of how she came to this decision or why, but I have been working with her for 4.5 years and we have SUCH a good relationship. She's seriously the BEST boss I've ever had hands down.

It was very unexpected on my end and really on hers, too. She felt bad, obviously. It wasn't something she had planned and for financial reasons for herself it just makes sense. I totally get it. I completely understand. We shared tears and hugs. It's a very bitter-sweet thing. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. I took Friday evening for everything to sink in and to talk with my Husband, Mom and my good friend Jenny about everything.

Saturday I started looking online, applying for jobs and sending out emails. Basically long story short, I applied for a job on Saturday, talked with them on the phone Monday, met with the first half on Tuesday and the 2nd half on Wednesday and they offered me a temporary position covering a 12 week maternity leave while I was meeting with them. It's still in family law, which I LOVE and want to continue to do. And it will keep me working for the next 14 weeks (12 week maternity leave, with 2 weeks of training). I also can continue to look for a more permanent position in the meantime and if something else comes along, everyone is fully aware that I will be taking that. 

The only catch is that they want me to start on Tuesday. They want to make sure if this girl goes early with her baby that someone is ready to fill in right away. Which is fine, but I didn't want to leave my boss high and dry so soon. I mean, it hasn't even been a week since she told me, I can't just be like see ya. I just can't do that to her.  Thankfully, everyone is willing to be super flexible for the next couple weeks while I transition out of here. I might still do something things for my boss on the side like in the evenings or on the weekends. Hey, if she needs help and I can make a little money on the side, it's a win win for everyone, right?

So for the next couple weeks I will be splitting my time between the two (given that the girl doesn't go so early) and then I will be pretty much done here mid-May. I wanted to try and make both sides and everyone know me...the people pleaser. Haha. And it looks like it will all work out. I haven't blogged this week because that's literally all I have been dealing with and I don't think I will have much time during the day to do much personal stuff like I can now, but I am embracing this new challenge and adventure head on.

Thanks Andrea for this reminder that I needed so much. Wish me luck friends.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday Favorites {04.25.2014}

Friday Favorites {04.25.2014}
Friday, April 25, 2014
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I wasn't going to post today, but then I saw this fun link-up. And who doesn't love linkups? I know I sure do! I get to get all the shiz outta my head. Plus, I ALWAYS post on Fridays, so it's just weird not to.

Here are my favorites from this week!

Meet At The Barre

Favorite Brother

Ross. He's actually my only brother, but today's his 23rd birthday! Woohoo! This is all 3 of my siblings. Love them all so much!

Favorite Song/s

Eric Church - Give Me Back My Hometown

I'm also obsessed with No. 8 "That's Damn Rock & Roll." Such a great rock song. Volume up, windows down. I can tell it's going to be my summer jam!

I'm also excited cause me and Katie are going to see him when he comes to MN in September!! Woohoo!!

Favorite Food

Kettle corn or korn. However you spell it. It's like I can't get enough. I've not only been obsessed with this lately, but so has Hailey. She actually will eat more of the bag than I will.

Favorite Shoe

As of right now it's this sandal from Lauren Conrad for Kohl's collection. They come in TONS of colors and are on sale right now for $10, so go get yourself a pair.

Favorite Accessory

My new watch. Oh and see my shoes? Again. Everyday.

Favorite Quote

Favorite Event/Non Favorite Event

My friend Falen's wedding last Friday night was by far the best part of this last week, the next day? Not so much.

Favorite Workout

Zumba with Mollie. She's back from her week long Mexico vacation! Don't mind the sweaty mess. Happens. Every. Time.

Favorite Show

I feel like a broken record, but if you're not watching The need to be. It's getting SO good! Anyone else?

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Favorite Make-Up Product

No matter what other brand or anything I try, I always always always find myself going back to this one.

Favorite Company

I love this stuff so much. Specifically the big bottle of stain remover and the conditioning detangler. I use it every morning on Hailey's hair. 

Happy Weekend friends!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Humpday Confessions {04.23.2014}

Humpday Confessions {04.23.2014}
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
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Linking up with Vodka and Soda for Humpday Confessions.

I confess...

...I bought this can of Pringles yesterday and they are gone today. Less than 24 hours. Granted I had my almost 3 year old helping me, but OMlovinG are they SO good. The Nacho Cheese are where it's at my friend! Eat them with salsa and they be gone!

...I've been having baby fever something fierce lately. was my first day back at the gym for about a week and a half. When Mollie is gone on vacation, I feel like it's OK if I don't go. I know. Bad me. The only difference is that she was in Mexico and I was NOT. Grumble.

...we've been talking about going to New York again this summer to visit my Husband's family out there. Not sure it will happen, but it's got me wanting to get away. That and everyone else's fun trips. Mexico!? Italy!? Really? Take me with!

...fake people and fair weather friends are the worst. So don't have time for them. Sorrynotsorry.


...Green Gramma is sick. So everything is whine this, whine that. So over it.

... I feel like I'm just now (today) caught up on sleep from the weekend.

1. I drank WAY too much;
2. I stayed up way too late;
3. I got up way too early; and
4. I was way too busy the next day.

But I had SUCH a good time and wouldn't change any of it.


... I bought a cheap planner at Target this year because I am too impatient to order one and wait. Well, big mistake. There is just not enough space for everything and I feel more unorganized because of it. I'm thinking of ordering one for the rest of the year. Is that weird? I will not be making this mistake again.

...I shot an actual video over the weekend, but I'm too scared to post it. I even edited and everything. I did forget some stuff, so I'm thinking of re-shooting, but then that would mean I would have to re-edit it. We'll see.

...we didn't even take Hailey to go see the Easter bunny this year. Eh, what you gonna do? Shoot me.

Happy Humpday my homies!
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Tuesday {04.22.2014}

Happy Tuesday {04.22.2014}
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
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I hope you all had a most wonderful week, weekend and a great Easter! I know I sure did! I wanted to catch you up on a few little things I've been up to lately since I was so MIA last week. I usually post on Friday's because I feel like that's a good day to recap the week, but I was so busy last week, personally AND at work, I just didn't get enough time.

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I had to get to Target to get a wedding gift and a baby shower gift, which turned into about 2 hours of roaming the aisles because I hadn't been there in literally a month and a half. Well, since Lent had started anyways. I just couldn't let myself go in there because I was so tempted to buy something for myself. Target has a certain power over me that I just can't get away from. Does that happen to anyone else? Or just me? Well, I got everything I needed and made it out of there without anything for myself. Yay! By the end Hailey was just so done, so I pulled out the iPad for her to watch. I love that thing so much.

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Wednesday night I had these plans to run errands and get some stuff done, but the weather did not cooperate and we ended up just going home because we were getting snow. And A LOT of it. My Dad sent me this funny video. If you have seen Frozen or even heard any of the songs, then you will get it. If you haven't seen Frozen, shame on you. He knows Hailey and I are obsessed with it, so it was very fitting.

I think we were and are pretty much over the snow.

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I ended up taking a half day. Mostly because I had an early afternoon Dr appointment and didn't feel like going back to work. Long story out TMI...I haven't been getting my period, or even been regular for that matter in quite sometime, so I started a new BC over the weekend. We will see how it goes. Anyone else out there use the Nuva ring? It's different, but my AWESOME Dr gave me 3 months worth to try it and if I like it then she will call in a prescription. If I end up hating it and/or I am still not getting IT, then we will have to discuss things further. I've only ever been on the pill, so this is a little nerve racking to try something new. I knew I wasn't pregnant or anything, but she still made me pee in a cup. Go figure.

So what did I do with the rest of my afternoon? I went and got my first mani/pedi of the season.

I then proceeded to go shopping. I had pretty much decided the night before after looking through my closet that I didn't have ANYTHING for this wedding. So after getting my nails and toes done, I popped into Kohl's and tried on about 10 different dresses. Literally. Well, that turned into me buying 3 dresses and a pair of sandals. (2 of the dresses I will be taking back.) So even though I made this pact for Lent, I am still proud of myself overall.

I ended up going with the Maxi. I paired it with a black cardigan and these LC black flat sandals. It was such a comfortable outfit and I will be able to wear the maxi all summer long. I have another wedding in July in Iowa, so I am thinking of wearing it there, too.

I picked Hailey up from school, we got her hair cut and then grabbed some dinner before heading home. I had to pack her and me for the overnight sleepover the next night.

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I was pleasantly surprised when I came into work that morning that my birthday present had come the day before.

Isn't she lovely? I got 4 links taken out and was so excited to immediately start wearing it.

Katie picked me up early from work, we headed to the hotel to check in, drop off our bags and meet friends to head to the wedding together. I plan to do more of a detailed post about it with a slideshow of pictures, but oh what a great night it was.

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I woke up at 8am that morning in the hotel a little hungover. Ok, maybe more than a little. It took me awhile to recoup, but I made it. I went to my cousin's baby shower that afternoon with some family and headed home afterwards. I was so tired that night I went to bed SO early!

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Easter was pretty low key. We went over to my MIL's house with some family for lunch and then we got some stuff done around the house and we played outside A LOT. It was 70+ degrees and was literally HOT.

It's been such a great, but busy week. I can't wait to get back to some normalcy AND back to the gym. Mollie was on vacation last week, so I didn't make it at all, but I'm back this week! Let's do it!

How was your week/weekend?

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