Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Tuesday {04.22.2014}

Happy Tuesday {04.22.2014}
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
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I hope you all had a most wonderful week, weekend and a great Easter! I know I sure did! I wanted to catch you up on a few little things I've been up to lately since I was so MIA last week. I usually post on Friday's because I feel like that's a good day to recap the week, but I was so busy last week, personally AND at work, I just didn't get enough time.

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I had to get to Target to get a wedding gift and a baby shower gift, which turned into about 2 hours of roaming the aisles because I hadn't been there in literally a month and a half. Well, since Lent had started anyways. I just couldn't let myself go in there because I was so tempted to buy something for myself. Target has a certain power over me that I just can't get away from. Does that happen to anyone else? Or just me? Well, I got everything I needed and made it out of there without anything for myself. Yay! By the end Hailey was just so done, so I pulled out the iPad for her to watch. I love that thing so much.

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Wednesday night I had these plans to run errands and get some stuff done, but the weather did not cooperate and we ended up just going home because we were getting snow. And A LOT of it. My Dad sent me this funny video. If you have seen Frozen or even heard any of the songs, then you will get it. If you haven't seen Frozen, shame on you. He knows Hailey and I are obsessed with it, so it was very fitting.

I think we were and are pretty much over the snow.

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I ended up taking a half day. Mostly because I had an early afternoon Dr appointment and didn't feel like going back to work. Long story short...watch out TMI...I haven't been getting my period, or even been regular for that matter in quite sometime, so I started a new BC over the weekend. We will see how it goes. Anyone else out there use the Nuva ring? It's different, but my AWESOME Dr gave me 3 months worth to try it and if I like it then she will call in a prescription. If I end up hating it and/or I am still not getting IT, then we will have to discuss things further. I've only ever been on the pill, so this is a little nerve racking to try something new. I knew I wasn't pregnant or anything, but she still made me pee in a cup. Go figure.

So what did I do with the rest of my afternoon? I went and got my first mani/pedi of the season.

I then proceeded to go shopping. I had pretty much decided the night before after looking through my closet that I didn't have ANYTHING for this wedding. So after getting my nails and toes done, I popped into Kohl's and tried on about 10 different dresses. Literally. Well, that turned into me buying 3 dresses and a pair of sandals. (2 of the dresses I will be taking back.) So even though I made this pact for Lent, I am still proud of myself overall.

I ended up going with the Maxi. I paired it with a black cardigan and these LC black flat sandals. It was such a comfortable outfit and I will be able to wear the maxi all summer long. I have another wedding in July in Iowa, so I am thinking of wearing it there, too.

I picked Hailey up from school, we got her hair cut and then grabbed some dinner before heading home. I had to pack her and me for the overnight sleepover the next night.

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I was pleasantly surprised when I came into work that morning that my birthday present had come the day before.

Isn't she lovely? I got 4 links taken out and was so excited to immediately start wearing it.

Katie picked me up early from work, we headed to the hotel to check in, drop off our bags and meet friends to head to the wedding together. I plan to do more of a detailed post about it with a slideshow of pictures, but oh what a great night it was.

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I woke up at 8am that morning in the hotel a little hungover. Ok, maybe more than a little. It took me awhile to recoup, but I made it. I went to my cousin's baby shower that afternoon with some family and headed home afterwards. I was so tired that night I went to bed SO early!

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Easter was pretty low key. We went over to my MIL's house with some family for lunch and then we got some stuff done around the house and we played outside A LOT. It was 70+ degrees and was literally HOT.

It's been such a great, but busy week. I can't wait to get back to some normalcy AND back to the gym. Mollie was on vacation last week, so I didn't make it at all, but I'm back this week! Let's do it!

How was your week/weekend?

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Weekend Highlights {04.11 --> 04.13.2014}

Weekend Highlights {04.11 --> 04.13.2014}
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
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Friday night after work was boring per usual. We got dinner from Sweet Taste of Italy (so good) and we spent the rest of the night watching tv and on the computer. We basically just hung out all night.

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Saturday I got up and went to my usual Zumba class.

I met a few of my friends for a quick birthday lunch at the Yardhouse. It was my first time going and it was AMAZING! If you haven't been there yet, GO! Immediately. It's the new restaurant in the West End in SLP.

(Katie, Sam, Falen & Me)

Later that evening we went to a surprise birthday party for a family friend. She WAS surprised and it was a super fun night with family.

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Sunday I got to actually sleep in thanks to Green Gramma. We then did some spring cleaning around the house, even though it was cold outside. I got some more of my office put together. And then we went out to dinner at Teresa's with my family for my birthday! So good!

That's about it. Fun, but short. How was your weekend?

Monday, April 14, 2014

Beauty Box 5 {January 2014}

Beauty Box 5 {January 2014}
Monday, April 14, 2014
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The Details: Beauty Box 5 is $12 a month ($10/month if you do it in 3 month increments) (which is what I did) and the thing I like about it, is that you are always guaranteed 5 products. No matter what.

Brand: H20 Plus
Product: Spa Sea Lotus Body Wash
Retail: $17.00

This was a travel size. I loved the smell of this body wash so much. It worked really well, too. I could see myself actually buying a full size version.

Brand: Nubar
Product: Cuticle & Nail Oil
Retail: $10.00

This was a full size bottle (although small), it will last a long time. It also works really well, too.

Brand: Swissco
Product: Bath & Shower Exfoliating Gloves
Retail: $5.00

This was my favorite product from the box. I only use them about once or twice a week because I feel like that is all I need, but I definitely love these.

Brand: Jergens
Product: Daily Moisturizer
Retail: $6.99

I loved that I got a little lotion. Who cannot use another travel sized lotion. I keep it in my purse and it's perfect.

Brand: Epic Blend
Product: Hemp Coconut Lip Balm
Retail: $3.39

The was another favorite product. It smells so good and glides on so well. I just love this and still use it.

Bonus Product: That Awkward Moment - Mirror Compact

I actually keep this little compact mirror in my drawer at work. It's nice to have close by if I need to check my teeth to make sure nothing is in them.

I got 3 full size products (cuticle oil, gloves & the lip balm), and two trial size products (body wash & lotion). I have used them all and will continue to use what I can. I am still loving BB5!

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