Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Typical Day in the D World

A Typical Day in the D World
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
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Welcome to my "Blog Every Day in May Challenge" that I am participating in going on over at Jenni's Story of My Life.

Go see the list HERE for the whole month.

Day 15 for Wednesday, May 15th: A Day in the life (include photos from throughout your typical day - this could be "a photo an hour" if you'd like)


7:00 am: Hailey usually wakes up, but then comes into our bed to cuddle.

8:00 am: I finally get outta bed, shower, get ready for work. Get Hailey ready or help Hubs with Hailey. Eat breakfast.

9:00 am: Leave for work.

9:30 am: Get to work. Get Caribou (a must to function). Start working.

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9:30 am - 4:55 pm: Work. Eat lunch at some point during the day. Maybe grab a snack. Talk to my Hubs a couple times on the phone. Chat with co-workers/boss.

5:00 pm: Leave work.

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5:30 pm: Pick Hailey up from Daycare if she's there (usually M, W & F). If she's not at daycare then she's usually at my parents house (usually T & TH), which means I try and go work out at the gym, run errands if needed and then go get her afterwards.

6:00 pm: If it's a daycare day then we run errands if needed or go home. If she is at my parents then we don't get home until later where she will fall asleep on the ride home and then I transfer her into bed.

6:30 pm: Eat dinner, watch tv, relax, do chores.

7:00 pm: I give Hailey a bath if needed, otherwise sometime she takes one in the morning.

8:00 pm: Start bedtime routine. Pajamas. Ice cream sandwich (These are her fave and a must). 30 minutes of cartoon time (usually Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood or Caillou). Then prayers in her bed.

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8:45 pm: Hailey in bed. Mommy time commences. More chores or TV. Try to blog, but usually fail due to other things.

10:00 pm: Try and watch the news every night.

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10:30 pm: Try and get to bed or have Husband time since he works evenings (M-F approx 2:00pm to 10:00pm).

11:00 pm - 7:00 am: Sleep.

Do it all over again.


7:00 am: Hailey usually wakes up, but then comes into bed to cuddle.

8:00 am: Wayne is outta bed. He showers and gets ready for work.  Hailey and I lounge.

9:00 am: He leaves for work. Get Hailey ready for day. Eat breakfast. Lounge.

10:15 am: Leave for gym.

10:45 am - 12:00 pm: Zumba class.

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12:00 pm - 12:30 pm: Shower and get ready for the day.

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm: Hailey & I run errands or do chores at home.

2:00 pm: Wayne leaves work.

2:30 pm - 7:00 pm: Family time involves dinner, errands, chores, TV, nap/lounge time.

7:00 pm: Give Hailey a bath if needed, otherwise sometime she takes one in the morning.

8:00 pm: Start bedtime routine. Pajamas. Ice cream sandwich (These are her fave and a must). 30 minutes of cartoon time. Then prayers in her bed.

8:45 pm: Hailey in bed. Mommy time commences. More chores or TV. Try to blog, but usually fail due to other things.

9:00 pm: Wayne leaves for gig. More Mommy time.

 10:00 pm: Try and watch the news every night.

10:30 pm: Try and get to bed.

10:30 pm - 7:00 am: Sleep.


7:00 am: Hailey usually wakes up, but then comes into bed to cuddle.

8:00 am: Get Hailey ready for day. Eat breakfast. Lounge.

9:00 am: Leave for gym.

9:30 am - 10:45 pm: Zumba class.

10:45 pm - 11:15 am: Shower and get ready for the day.

11:15 am - 7:00 pm: Family time involves lunch/dinner, errands, chores, TV, nap/lounge time.

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7:00 pm: Give Hailey a bath if needed, otherwise sometime she takes one in the morning.

8:00 pm: Start bedtime routine. Pajamas. Ice cream sandwich (These are her fave and a must). 30 minutes of cartoon time. Then prayers in her bed.

8:45 pm: Hailey in bed. Mommy/Daddy time commences. More chores, TV, lounging.

 10:00 pm: Try and watch the news every night.

10:30 pm: Try and get to bed.

10:30 pm - 7:00 am: Sleep.

That's about it. Nothing too special. Pretty boring if I don't say so myself.

What does your typical day look like?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

10 Little Things of Happiness

10 Little Things of Happiness
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
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Welcome to my "Blog Every Day in May Challenge" that I am participating in going on over at Jenni's Story of My Life.

Go see the list HERE for the whole month.

Day 14 for Tuesday, May 14th: Ten things that make you really happy.

Besides the obvious big things that make my everyday world go round (Wayne, Hailey, family, friends), here are 10 little things that make me happy.

1. Warm Chocolate Chip Cookies accompanied with a glass of cold milk.

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2. A clean house. And by "clean" I don't mean dirty, I mean picked up and organized. It just feels nice to fall asleep AND wake up in a not so chaotic environment.

3. Coming home from work (or just about anywhere) and putting on comfy clothes. Being able to roam or lounge around the house in pajamas is the best.

4. Driving with the windows down, sun shining and music blaring.

5. A caramel cooler from Caribou.

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6. A hot shower. Nothing worse for me than a luke-warm or cold shower. That's a sure fire way of starting my day off bad.

7. Cuddles with the Hubs, daughter or pups.

8. Me time after Hailey's in bed at night. Either to catch-up on my tv shows or blog.

9. Getting a compliment on my photography.

10. A fresh manicure/pedicure. It always boosts my confidence and puts me in a good mood when my nails and/or toes look good.

What are some things that make you happy?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My Apology to My Daughter

My Apology to My Daughter
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
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Welcome to my "Blog Every Day in May Challenge" that I am participating in going on over at Jenni's Story of My Life.

Go see the list HERE for the whole month.

Day 13 for Monday, May 13th: Issue a public apology. This can be as funny or as serious or as creative as you want it to be.

I want to publicly apologize to my daughter Hailey. I have and will continue to take endless pictures and videos of you to share with you as you get older. Some of them will be embarrassing to you, but I just can't help myself. I'm sorry, but not really sorry.

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I love you!!!


The One Thing I Miss About NOT Being A Parent

The One Thing I Miss About NOT Being A Parent

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Well, I failed miserably at this whole blogging every day in May Challenge. Last week I was so busy at work, so the days were packed, and it was Star Party, so the nights were busy, too. I just really didn't have a whole lot of time for anything, and sadly this little blog is the first to get pushed to the bottom of the to do list.

But hopefully I'm back and I can get caught up and be more on top of it. 

Welcome to my "Blog Every Day in May Challenge" that I am participating in going on over at Jenni's Story of My Life.

Go see the list HERE for the whole month.

Day 12 for Sunday, May 12th: What do you miss? (a person, a thing, a place, a time of your life...)

The one thing I miss from before being a parent can be summed up in one simple word:


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I just miss the luxury of going to sleep and waking up when I feel like it. Plain and simple.

Is there something that you miss? 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

10 Words

10 Words
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
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Welcome to my "Blog Every Day in May Challenge" that I am participating in going on over at Jenni's Story of My Life.

Go see the list HERE for the whole month.

Day 11 for Saturday, May 11th: Sell yourself in 10 words or less

Good Listener.
Open Minded.

How would you sell yourself?


So Embarrassing

So Embarrassing

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Welcome to my "Blog Every Day in May Challenge" that I am participating in going on over at Jenni's Story of My Life.

Go see the list HERE for the whole month.

Well, I haven't blogged everyday in May, that's just the way life is. BUT I still plan on completing every blog topic. So here goes...

Day 10 for Friday, May 10th: Most embarrassing moment (s). Spill.

I don't get embarrassed easily. I figure everyone does stupid things or makes stupid mistakes. Oh well. You pick yourself up and keep moving. But there have been a few times in my past that I have done silly things that I still get made fun of about to this day. Here are 3 of them.

1. When I was in middle school, I was riding my bike with no hands and promptly rode into a mailbox. I can't explain it. It's not like I did it on purpose. It hurt like hell! My family still makes fun of me for it.

2. When I was in high school my Mom sent me to the grocery store for a head of lettuce and I came back with cabbage. Can you tell the difference? I was young. That's the only excuse I got. Again my family still makes fun of me for this.

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3. Also in high school, my Dad was watching an NFL game and I came in and asked who was winning... South Dakota (SD) or the other team? I don't even remember what the other team was, because they pointed out to me that SD stood for San Diego and that South Dakota doesn't even have a professional football team. Once again, they still make fun of me for it.

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Have you ever done anything that your family still make fun of you for?

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