Thursday, January 10, 2013

Photoaday Challenge {December 2012}

Photoaday Challenge {December 2012}
Thursday, January 10, 2013
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Here is the list for December 2012


#day1 8 o'clock. 1 cartoon and snuggles for bedtime routine. #fmsphotoaday #photoadaydec


#day2 Peace. All 4 sleeping. So peaceful. Until I get up off the couch. #fmsphotoaday #photoadaydec


#day3 Something I held. Iron. For @bigdradio and his #kdwbjingleball shirt. #concert #fmsphotoaday #photoadaydec


#day4 Black & White. #concert #kdwbjingleball #photoadaydec #fmsphotoaday


#day5 Looking up. #photoadaydec #fmsphotoaday


#day6 Where I live. Minne-snowta. #photoadaydec #fmsphotoaday


#day7 Stars. A few I've met recently. #cheryllloyd #philipphillips #megan &liz #photoadaydec #fmsphotoaday


#day8 Someone I love. This is how she's using our moving boxes. #fmsphotoaday #photoadaydec #moving


#day9 Out'n'about. Moving weekend. #fmsphotoaday #photoadaydec


#Day10 Under. Holiday stockings hung under PEACE. Finally have the chance to decorate a little. #fmsphotoaday #photoadaydec


#day11 Sweet. Making treats. S'more bars for Dad, Rice Krispie Treats for Hubs and cookie dough brownies for the rest of the Fam. #fmsphotoaday #photoadaydec


#day12 Hat. Hailey's penguin hat. #cute #photoadaydec #fmsphotoaday


#day13 . Lights. Christmas. #photoadaydec #fmsphotoaday


#day14 Something green. I love how this wreath looks at the Hubs work. #fmsphotoaday #photoadaydec


#day15 Outdoors. Re-fueling. Loving the drive-thru on this chilly day. #photoadaydec #fmsphotoaday


#day16 Something I made. My greatest accomplishment to date. #photoadaydec #fmsphotoaday


#day17 On the floor. We have a visitor at our house today. Hi Babe! cc: @criscoradio #photoadaydec #fmsphotoaday


#day18 Makes me merry. Comfy sweatshirts, Christmas lights and a Vikings win.


#day19 Something that starts with 's.' Snack. Love me some Sour Cream & Onion Pringles. #fmsphotoaday #photoadaydec


#day20 Weather. Sunset at 4:36? No wonder why I feel sluggish. #photoadaydec #fmsphotoaday


#day21 Tree. Our tree in our new home. #christmas #fmsphotoaday #photoadaydec


#day22 Decoration. My fave Xmas one this year. #daughter #handprint #ornament #photoadaydec #fmsphotoaday


#day23 Joy 18 mo old sleeping snug as a bug in her toddler bed. #small victories #progress #photoadaydec #fmsphotoaday


#day24 Tradition. At Christmas time is open stockings on Christmas Day. #fmsphotoaday #photoadaydec


#day25 Lunchtime. Baked Ziti and buttered toast. #fmsphotoaday #photoadaydec


#day26 Mess. Bedroom & living room. Doing laundry, sheets, scattered toys from rugrat, putting away Xmas decorations. #photoadaydec #fmsphotoaday


#day27 . How I relax. Watching TV is my number one way. #newsroommarathon #photoadaydec #fmsphotoaday


#day28 Cold. Feels like -7. Brrr. #photoadaydec #fmsphotoaday #mnweather


#day29 Hot. Soup on this very cold day. #chickenwildrice #eddingtonsiswhereitsat #bestbreadsticksever #photoadaydec #fmsphotoaday


#day30 Something that made me smile in 2012. My offspring. #photoadaydec #fmsphotoaday


#day31 Self Portrait. Goodbye 2012. Hello 2013. #fmsphotoaday #photoadaydec


Happy 2013 to all my lovely readers!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday Letters {01.04.2013}

Friday Letters {01.04.2013}
Friday, January 4, 2013
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Hopping over to Ashley's blog to link up for Friday Letters.

Dear 2012, you weren't so bad, but I'm always happy to start New Years and New Beginnings and our family did just that.

Dear 2013, let's make this year great, OK? Ok. Thanks.


Dear Holidays, even though I usually love you, I am glad you are over. I just wasn't in the mood this year and I am glad to be getting back to our old schedule.

Dear Life, I thought that once summer was over you were going to slow down a bit? No? Ok, well, will you please take it easy on me and my little family for awhile. I need some time to catch up.

Dear New House, even though we are still adapting to you and getting settled, we LOVE you, so I guess all the stress over the last couple months has been worth it.

Dear Husband, I just want to say that I love you more and more everyday and THANK YOU so much for being the best Daddy in the world and working your butt off EVERYDAY for our little family. You are my rock.

Dear Hailey, I am sorry you are sick. I hate seeing you like this with no way to take the pain and aches away. I miss my happy, go lucky little love bug.

Dear Sickness, please leave my house, my family and my life. You just don't get along with us, so I would like to break up with you ASAP.

Dear Sleep, I miss you greatly. Please return to me quickly.

Dear To-Do list, I know I keep adding more and more, but I promise to start checking things off soon.

Dear Blog, I'm sorry I have been so neglectful for the past 6 months or so. You are one of my top priorities in 2013.

Dear New Blog Design, I am so excited to work with my friend Lauren and to make you and my blog fabulous!

Dear Time Management Skills, seriously I need you to kick in any day now.


Dear TV Shows, I'm excited for you to start returning over the next month or so. It is so odd without you every week.

Dear Movies, there are several I need to catch up on, so let's just add you to the forever growing to-do list.

Dear Wardrobe, I am determined to give you some much needed attention this year.

Dear Body, I know I need to get back to the gym, but I am going to wait a little while to let all the New Years Resolution-ers get it out of their system.

Dear Friends, I miss you all terribly and promise to make contact more in 2013.

Dear Vikings, please beat those Packers tomorrow. We will be watching.


That's all for now! Happy Friday!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Hailey Jo {13 months}

Hailey Jo {13 months}
Monday, December 31, 2012
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July 26, 2012

This is you at 13 months:

You don't sit still at all anymore. I was debating on getting the 13+ month stickers and to continue with the monthly pictures, but decided not to because of this reason. Don't get me wrong, we have PLENTY of pictures of you through-out each month, but I just don't feel the need to do the monthly pictures.

This is you at 13 months:

 photo 13months_zps737bdfda.jpg

You are eating anything and everything and feeding yourself regularly.

You are exploring with eating utensils.


We started transitioning you to cow's milk (2%) now that you are 1 years old. We had one night long constipation episode. That was rough not only on you, but Mommy and Daddy, too.

You just started drinking juice this month. You didn't really care for it before now and I really didn't push it either since it's not the healthiest either. But with you being on cow's milk now, it helps a lot with regulation. If you know what I mean

You are still wearing size three diapers.

You are saying and repeating several words and adding new words all the time. We can tell you are copying things that we say.

You still love anything ice cream. This is Daddy sharing a Snickers Ice Cream bar with you.

Your sleep schedule is pretty much the same.You always wake up happy and in a good mood.

You love to swim and be in the pool.


You are so independent and don't even want to hold onto the wall to help you balance.

Always a happy girl with a big smile on your face.


You did not like the fireworks that Papa set off for 4th of July.


You always want to go outside.


You love your mower at Grandma and Papa Stager's.


You LOVE to swing.


You love to play and explore the park


You love to go down the slide, too!


You went down your first giant slide with Mama at one of the local fairs.


I thought you might be scared, but you were not.

Your giggles are just the best.

You love to face-time Daddy while he is at work.


You love to visit him at work, too!


You love shopping and sitting in the cart and looking at everything and everyone.


You love when Uncle Ross plays his guitar. You think you can play it, too.


You still love music and start moving whenever you hear it.

You love to take walks in your stroller.


You love to help Gramma Karla vacuum. Which is so funny, because when you were younger you were so scared of it.


You are getting into everything. Papa put up a board to block the steps.


You are so funny and animated.

You are always so curious. "What is underneath this?" 


You are going after the dogs more and more now that you can walk and run. They usually scatter away from you. This is Lacy, Great Grandma Sharon's dog. She was barking at you and you were barking back at her.

You put your finger up when we ask you how old you are.

You still take 2 short naps a day.


You are still getting teeth in. But I never know when exactly because you don't let it bother you.

You are now wearing all 12 month clothes (a few smaller onesies depending on brand) and a few 18 month things.

You met Big Time Rush again for the 2nd time in your life. They remembered you and they love you!


You are precious to us and we love watching you grow up.

We love you so much, Hailey!

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