Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Weekend Highlights: March 16 - 18, 2012

Weekend Highlights: March 16 - 18, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
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 Yesterday was a busy day, so I didn't get this out, but here is our weekend recap:

Friday, March 16, 2012

After work, Wayne and I decided to go to Red Lobster for dinner. I had been wanting it for a couple weeks, so we went. It was yummy and wonderful and Hailey did great and tried a couple new things. 

We pretty much got home in just enough time for Hubs to change and leave for the night. I caught up on some blogs after getting Hailey to sleep and went to bed fairly early because I knew I had  to get up to be at my Mom's friend Rachel's house for a Norwex party! Yay!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

While Hubs worked all day, Hailey and I got up Saturday morning and headed to my Mom's friend, Rachel's house for a Norwex party. If you don't know what Norwex is and want to learn more, read my post HERE! I will be doing an updated Norwex post in the next day or so!

Hailey was spending the night at my parents house (because we were having a date night), so after the Norwex party I dropped her off at my parents house. I then went to Costco and did my weekly shopping, stopped at our fave baker and ordered a birthday cake for next week, and got home and unpacked everything in just enough time for the Hubs to get off work.

Let our date night begin! We went to my fave nail salon and got pedicures. We then had dinner at Crave (West End). We had planned on seeing 21 Jumpstreet, but ended up seeing Safe House.


I'm glad we did, because it was great. Both of us really loved it. We then went home, hung out and went to bed. I wanted to make sure I took advantage of not having to get up, so I wanted to make sure I got some good sleep. And I did. It was wonderful!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

We had planned all week to get up, go pick up Hailey and then head to the Mall of America for a family fun day of shopping. Boy did we have a great day! I got a new GUESS purse, Wayne got a new pair of Oakley sunglasses, Hailey got her ears pierced...AND we got the new IPAD!! It was quite the eventful trip. We spent from about 12:30p - 4:30p walking around. It was long, but fun.

The IPAD is my birthday present this year (a month early). I love that he spoils me!

After we got home, I did some cleaning, TV watching and IPAD playing, while Wayne went over to Adam's house to watch the Walking Dead Season 2 finale. He was disappointed by the finale, but when Season 2 comes out, we are going to watch it again together, since I have to get caught up before season 3.

It was such a great weekend!!! How was yours?

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Nail Files & 5QF {03.16.2012}

The Nail Files & 5QF {03.16.2012}
Friday, March 16, 2012
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I'm linking up with Tara for Nail Files.

I got mine done on Tuesday night. I was so thankful for the Hubs that he picked up the Babe for me after work, so I could get them done. They were in desperate need of some TLC!




It is Strawberry Smoothie from CND Shellac. It is a little lighter than what I was expecting, but it grew on me and I have gotten so many compliments on it.


I'm also linking up with Mama M for Five Question Friday!

1. Will you run to the store or to pick up a kid looking a mess?

I try not to as best as I can, but sometimes yes, I think you just don't have a choice or the time to get all primped. I always put my hair up though. I think that helps a ton!

2. Do you finish a book if it's boring or you don't like it?

No. There are too many books in the world to waste your time reading something you're not into. Why do that to yourself.

3. Beach or mountain vacations?

Beach. All the way. I will pick the beach over anything any day.

4. What thing/event says "winter will end and spring is right around the corner" to you?

I always think of DST as a transition from winter to spring, but in Minnesota, you never really know for sure.

5. Would you prefer couples or family vacation?

It depends on where we are going and really depends on how I'm feeling. My Hubs and I are trying to plan something just the 2 of us for some time next winter...a cruise or something of the sort, but at some point we would like to take Hailey to Disney World or Disneyland. So I think it just depends.


Go link  up with these lovely ladies and let me know how your week went!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Target Tuesday {03.13.2012}

Target Tuesday {03.13.2012}
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
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Linking up with Tara for Target Tuesday.

Today I am featuring five kitchen related items that are on my need-list.

I never know where to keep bananas. They are usually just sitting on the counter taking up space and getting in the way. Also, Wayne does not like to keep the apples in the fridge and right now I have them sitting in a bowl on our kitchen table. This would be nice to have for both apples and bananas.


I've always wanted a nice punch bowl and with Hailey's baptism and first birthday coming up, it might be the perfect time to get one.

I've always wanted one of these, too, even though I don't bake very much right now. As Hailey gets older though I can see us baking more often for different occasions.


Right now I do not have anywhere to display my 8 wine glasses. That might change somewhere down the road, but for now this would work great. I'm not sure if this specific one would fit my glasses, but something of this sort would be wonderful.


We have a dark brown (chocolate) colored table. I like the way these look for special occasions. Definitely something different. 

Anything on your Target list?

Mrs. Mama D
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