Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas! {2011}

Merry Christmas! {2011}
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
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Merry Christmas from the Danileson Family!!!


This is also Hailey's first Santa picture!!!


Hope everyone had a great Christmas and enjoyed all the blessings in your life!!! 
Here's to a great 2012!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Currently {December 2011}

Currently {December 2011}
Thursday, December 15, 2011
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Head over to Jenn and link up!

currently . . .

current book(s)

Vampire Diaries. Might not finish it though. I watch the  TV show on CW, but the books are WAY different. Too different. I don't think I like. Not sure what to read next. Any suggestions?

current playlist

Gym Class Heroes...still obsessed with this song:

current color

I usually don't wear nail polish, for several reasons actually.
1) I don't do self manicures well.
2) I think nail polish looks funny on me. I don't have the fingers for it.
3) I don't have the time to keep up with it.

With that said, I have been itching lately to get some sort of manicure and try it. While I get pedicures regularly I don't ever get manicures. We'll see what new adventures the new year brings.

current drink

Cherry Coke

current food

Anything chinese

current favorite show

I have several. New Girl, Revenge and Hart of Dixie are my new faves this year.

current needs

To start and finish Christmas shopping. Then to wrap all said shopping items.

current triumph(s)

I'm hoping by the end of this weekend I will have the mentioned Christmas shopping somewhat completed and if not then very close with a game plan.

current bane(s) of my existence

See Christmas shopping above.

current celebrity crush

Ryan Gosling...need I say more?


current #1 blessing

Obviously it would be Hailey and my Husband. But more specific would be our health. I just know too many people/children/babies that have complications or are going through various things and it breaks my heart every time I hear of something new. Just this week, I heard through a friend that these parents lost their 3 year old to a heart attack. This little boy had heart surgery when he was little, so they knew it might be a possibility, but it's still devastating nonetheless.

current indulgence

White chocolate covered Oreos


current outfit

Work attire...brown dress pants from VS...cream colored top from Kohls...cream colored sweater from somewhere I don't remember cause I have had it for so long...nylons with brown heels

current excitement

Getting our Christmas cards out this weekend!!So excited to share with everyone!

current mood

happy and content...it's payday

current favorite holiday decoration

These little trees I bought from Target.


current #1 item on your wishlist

Desktop computer...which my AWESOME and totally RAD parents are getting for us for Christmas. So excited to not only have two computers (desktop & laptop) in our household, but I can't wait to get my printer hooked up again. It's been way too long and I have so many projects I want to start and finish.

current new year's resolution

Don't be so lazy + work out = loose baby weight& get toned

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Chirstmas Questionairre {2011}

Chirstmas Questionairre {2011}
Saturday, December 10, 2011
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I saw this on a blog I follow and thought it would be fun to participate!

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?

Mostly gift bags. I go to the Dollar Tree and stock up. They are super cheap ($1) and come in so many different sizes/colors. I usually can fit more than just one thing in them, too. Also, then people can reuse them if they feel like it. I feel like wrapping paper can be such a waste.

2. Real tree or artificial?

Artificial. But now that we have Hailey we might have to start a tradition of going to a tree farm and picking out our own tree. We'll see about next year.

3. When do you put up the tree?

Usually the day after Thanksgiving we put up the tree, but I start decorating for Christmas usually right away in November. As I take down Halloween decorations, I put up Christmas stuff. Might as well, right?

4. When do you take the tree down?

First week of January. I don't like to rip it all down and put everything away right away.

5. Do you like eggnog?


6. Favorite gift received as a child?

Anything Barbie. I don't remember specifically what year, but I got a Barbie house and a Barbie limo. I was so pumped.

7. Do you have a nativity scene?


8. Hardest person to buy for?

My Dad. He has like everything. I never know what to get him.

9. Easiest person to buy for?

My sisters. They usually make a list and then I go off that. Plus, they like pretty much anything.

10. Mail or email Christmas cards?

Mail. I love getting them every year and sending ours out. Probably my favorite part about Christmas besides Music.

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?

Can't think of anything off hand. I think every girl goes through a stage, where all you get is lotions, etc. I didn't like that, but I am usually thankful for all gifts received.

12. Favorite Christmas movie?

I like the Charlie Brown Christmas. That's a classic.

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?

I am so bad and usually wait until the pay period before Christmas to get things done. I might get a few things earlier, but not much.

14. Ever recycled a Christmas present?


15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?

Potatoes...any kind...mashed, cheesy, etc.

16. Clear lights or colored lights on the tree?

We bought an artificial pre-lit a few years ago with colored, but I think I I wanna go just white next time!

17. Favorite Christmas song?

Silent Night. In my hometown's church (Immanuel Lutheran in Clara City) they do a great tradition on Christmas Eve of handing out candles to everyone and then they all get lit and we sing Silent Night as a tradition. Favorite!!!

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home?

The last few years we have stayed home.And by home, I mean around the Twin Cities area. My Hubs usually has to work on either Christmas Eve or Day or both, so it's hard to really go anywhere.

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?

Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen , Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and Rudolph!

20. Angel on the tree top or star?

Angel. To me it represents my sister, Keli Jo, that passed away at 3 months old from SIDS. I was in 6th grade.I love it.

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?

Both. With certain family it's Christmas Eve and then with other family it's Christmas morning. Now that we have a child, I would like to wait until Christmas morning to open up presents from Santa.

22. Most annoying this about this time of year?

The crowds at the stores and the parking lots especially.

23. Favorite ornamnet, theme, or color?

My favorite color to wear during the holiday season is red. It just gets me in the holiday spirit so much.

24. What do you want for Christmas this year?

We want a lot of big stuff this year. A new computer, new camera, car starters for both of our cars. We both need some new clothes. I need a new pair of tennis shoes and I want a pair of brown boots.

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