Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lil D's 1st Trimester {Weeks 10 & 11}

Lil D's 1st Trimester {Weeks 10 & 11}
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
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Thursday, 12/9/2010
(10 weeks)

Maternity Clothes: I decided to wait on the belly band for now and my pants have been feeling ok actually. I just have them sit below my belly and then I feel ok. I can deal with it for a few more weeks.

Sleep: Some nights are better than others. Sometimes I feel myself sleeping like a baby (no pun intended) and other nights I find myself waking up a lot.

Best Moment of the Week: Finding these SWEET VIDEOS online at Babycenter and sharing them with my Husband. It absolutely amazes me how a baby can grow into a human being from just a bunch of cells.

Movement: None.

Food Craving: Same as week 9.

Food Aversions: Same as week 9.

Morning Sickness: I found out that I need to take my morning vitamins with food. I never had to do that before, but apparently I do now. It took me a few days to realize this, but after I did I’ve been feeling much better.

Gender: N/A yet. There are a lot of people that think it's a girl. I happen to think it's a boy. We'll see.

Symptoms: Acne and constipation are the major two this week. My face has totally broken out. I guess it’s just one of those hormonal things that we have to deal with. I also feel like as soon as one symptom ends another one begins. I guess it's all in a days work and it's the baby's way of telling me they are OK in there.

What I miss: I am missing Caribou less and less each day (such a good thing for my waistline).

What I'm looking forward to: Same as week 9.


Baby's now the size of a Prune!
Thursday, 12/16/2010
(11 weeks)
Not much symptom wise has changed in the past week.
What I'm looking forward to: Christmas and being closer to sharing our news with everyone.

Baby's now the size of a lime!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lil D's 1st Trimester {Weeks 8 & 9}

Lil D's 1st Trimester {Weeks 8 & 9}
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
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Thursday, 11/25/2010
(8 weeks)


We sure had a lot to be thankful for, but we just couldn’t tell anyone yet. My indigestion this past week has subsided. So I was VERY thankful for that. My pants are getting snug. I’ve been trying to eat smaller meals every few hours. Thanksgiving didn’t help with that, but I managed. Still dealing with the sleepiness, although it seems to come and go. I’ve been taking more naps lately than ever in my life.

Friday, November 26, 2010

I was a lazy bum today. Didn’t feel like doing anything. I sat on the couch and watched movies all day and night. I haven’t been able to do that in a long time and took advantage of it.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

I was feeling rather good for most of the day and then a sick feeling came over me later in the night. The indigestion that I got rid of the week before turned into a constipation/diarrhea combo. Oh what night. That’s all I’m saying.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

I still felt icky all day, spending most of the day in our comfy chair or on the couch watching football. So far this whole pregnancy thing hasn’t been very fun. I ate light today. Wayne keeps asking me if I think I am pregnant or if I feel like I’m pregnant. I tell him I don’t know and I don’t want to think of it like that. I admit this time does feel different than the last time, but I don’t want to get my hopes up and have them crushed again. He can tell it’s different this time, but he also doesn’t want to think about it yet.

Monday, November 29, 2010

This was the first morning where I actually felt nauseous. I’ve had a few episodes before, but nothing extreme. While on my way to the bus station this morning I had crackers and water for breakfast. I didn’t want to overdo it because I was still not feeling 100% from the weekend.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I called the clinic today expecting to get in sometime next week. Nope, they had an opening for tomorrow morning…December 1st. I took it.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

We had our Dr appointment this morning. I am 8 weeks, 6 days pregnant and was scared to death of going to the Dr and having the same "blighted ovum" as this summer. I could tell Wayne was nervous, too, but we were both trying to stay calm and strong for each other. We were in the same nurses room and went over some of the same stuff. We were both trying to hurry up the "talk" part of the visit as we just wanted to do the ultrasound, see that everything was ok and hear the heartbeat. We headed into the same "doppler" room as we were in before. Dr. E had an intern working with her that day, and after she took my heartbeat, she asked me if I was nervous.

Nervous? No, not all. You think? I admitted to her that yes, I am VERY nervous. I laid down on the table and Dr. E was so good that she right away said, "there is your peanut." She knew that we would be looking for something in that sac. I was so relieved and overcome with emotions. She then turned on the heart monitor and we got to hear it for about 10 seconds. It was so cool. Dr. E said that all my lady parts looked great, she could see it moving and to come back in another 4 weeks for another check-up. We got pictures, which you can see HERE.


Baby's now the size of a raspberry!
Thursday, 12/2/2010
(9 weeks)

Now that I’ve gone to the Dr, I feel a little bit more secure in writing this all out. I know it’s therapeutic to write it out anyway, but when you are not sure that you are even pregnant, it’s even harder. A few times before I felt like “what’s the point?” but then I quickly tried to dismiss that thought and keep on. Be positive. That is my motto for the first trimester and really for this whole pregnancy! I saw this picture for the holidays and thought it was fitting:


Friday, December 3, 2010

Well, we have decided to tell Wayne’s Mom earlier than Christmas. Now that we have pictures and know there is a baby in there, I don’t want to wait 3 weeks and make her feel bad or make her feel like she is the last to know. So we are planning on telling her tomorrow. I stopped at Target and scanned in the ultrasound pictures. Our desktop computer is broken and we don't have our printer connected to our laptop and it was a last minute thing, so it was convenient to stop and get it done. I printed two 4x6 pictures and looked at frames. I didn’t find anything that I really liked at Target so I headed to the Hallmark store. I found two frames. Here they are:


Even though Green Grandma already knew, I wanted to get something for her desk at work.


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Wayne had to work until 2pm and then we were meeting my family for my Dad’s birthday dinner later, so we thought that would be a perfect time to stop at MIL's (Kim) house and give her the frame and the good news. She wasn’t as surprised as the first time, just because she knew we were trying and she thought something might be up. But she was super excited nonetheless.

We then went to my parents house and you can see that post HERE. The only thing I want to add to that night that I didn’t put in my original post is one of “my favorite parts of the week.” You can see that below.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Tonight is KDWB Jingleball 2010. You can see that post HERE. It was baby’s first concert. It was so loud and at some points my whole body was vibrating. Haha.

This week I’m going to start a new thing. I might not do it every week, but we’ll see how things change from week to week.

Maternity Clothes: Not yet. But I am looking into purchasing a belly band. My pants feel tighter everyday and with my work pants especially. It’s super uncomfortable. I feel so much better when I undo my pants. Haha.

Sleep: I am mostly sleeping fine. I’ve been taking more naps lately than ever in my life. I used to not care for naps as I would wake up more tired and cranky than before, but now some days I long for one. I usually wake up in the middle of the night for a little bit, but then go back to sleep. There was one night this past week when I woke up at 1:30 and was still not sleeping at 3:30. I ended up going to sleep on the couch and it seemed to help.

Best Moment of the Week: Yesterday. At the clinic and Dr. Emery telling us we had a little peanut in there. After our miscarriage and the D&C this summer we were both elated. We got to hear the heartbeat and received pictures.

My other favorite moment was at my parents house after dinner we talked for hours about baby names. We looked online and were just hanging out with each other discussing different names. It was a blast and we actually got some good ideas for boy names (we already have our girl name)!

Movement: No. Although Dr. Emery said she could see it moving during the ultrasound.

Food Craving: It comes and goes and seems like as soon as I buy it and get it home, I no longer want it because I have it. Yesterday, it was pickle roll-ups. MMM.

Food Aversions: Sometimes I smell things or even see pictures of things on TV that make me cringe. Nothing though that I specifically despise.

Morning Sickness: I have not vomited, but I do feel icky in the morning and then by lunch I am feeling OK. It's just a continuous nauseous feeling.

Gender: Not sure, but Wayne has a gut feeling it’s a girl. He said when he saw the ultrasound he "just knows."

Symptoms: In the early weeks I had bad indigestion. That subsided and lately I have been dealing with constipation/diarrhea. I know TMI. I’m always tired and ready to lay in bed and relax.

What I miss: Feeling normal (not sure I will ever feel that way again) and not so sickly all the time. They say it gets better in the 2nd Trimester, so we'll see.

What I'm looking forward to: Being able to share our good news with everyone in a few weeks.


Baby's now the size of a green olive!
Monday, January 10, 2011

Lil D's 1st Trimester {Weeks 6 & 7}

Lil D's 1st Trimester {Weeks 6 & 7}
Monday, January 10, 2011
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Thursday, 11/11/2010
(6 weeks)

Today is our 4th wedding anniversary. I am still super tired and actually went to bed pretty much right after we got home from dinner at about 8:00pm. Such an exciting night, but I can’t seem to fight it. I often feel bad for my Husband as I have become so lame these days. I am still having indigestion EVERY night. It sucks.

We ended up telling Green Grandma. We live with her, so it’s hard trying to be so secretive and planning meals and mood swings, etc. All I want to do is lay in bed at night after work. She admitted that she knew something was up. She knows me too well. She promised not to tell anyone. She respects our decision to wait this time around until we are farther along.


Baby's now the size of a sweet pea!
Thursday, 11/18/2010
(7 weeks)

Yesterday was the first day that my indigestion has lightened up. Let’s hope it continues in that direction. I’ve also lost the “full” feeling that I’ve been carrying around for the last two weeks.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

We went to the Vikings vs. Packers game today at MOA field. Wayne mentioned it was baby’s first football game. All I cared about was eating food. We got home after the game and after hanging out for awhile on the couch I ended up going to bed at 7:30 pm. I’m telling you, it’s crazy!


Baby's now the size of a blueberry!

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