Friday, June 23, 2017

Friday Letters

Dear Vacation,

While I loved every minute of you (minus the humidity), I am happy to be home. There is something wonderful about being home and getting back to the norm of life. Mostly I missed my bed.


Dear Starbucks,

I am sorry I broke up with you. I just need a break. It's me, not you.


Dear Fatty Foods,

Why do you have to taste so good? I love you and hate you all at the same time.


Dear Griffin,

You were so good on the plane ride. I really have no complaints. Next time though you will have your own seat.


Dear Hailey,

You will be 6 on Monday. 6! You will have to use both hands now when someone asks you how old you are. Wahhh!


Dear Husband,

You are my everything and a rockstar!


Dear Weekend,

Please don't go by too fast. I desperately need you to stick around a little while longer. You will be busy, but fun.


Dear Sleep,

I miss you. Griffin is still not sleeping through the night. Hopefully one day? One can still hope, right?


Dear Job,

I am sorry I broke up with you. It's me, not you. I promise.


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