Monday, June 8 2015
(34 weeks)
I had another Dr appointment this week and it went really well. I really like my new Dr. She's easy to talk to and explains things so I actually understand them. When she tells me things, she is confident in what she says which makes me feel confident in her.
We took Hailey to the circus this week and went to an arena football game. We also started Hailey on wearing underwear through the night. We'll see how that goes.
Monday, June 15, 2015
I had another Dr appointment this week and it went really well. I really like my new Dr. She's easy to talk to and explains things so I actually understand them. When she tells me things, she is confident in what she says which makes me feel confident in her.
We took Hailey to the circus this week and went to an arena football game. We also started Hailey on wearing underwear through the night. We'll see how that goes.
Monday, June 15, 2015
(35 weeks)
We went and took pregnancy photos over the weekend. I will do a slideshow post of some of our favorites soon. We also went to a WWE event here in Vegas and celebrated Father's Day.
We went and took pregnancy photos over the weekend. I will do a slideshow post of some of our favorites soon. We also went to a WWE event here in Vegas and celebrated Father's Day.
Maternity Clothes: Yes.
Sleep: Just as I suspected with the 3rd trimester I am uncomfortable again sleeping and my body pillow is not helping anymore. I use regular pillows now to help. I have anywhere from 3-4 pillows. I can adjust better with them and flip from side to side easier with them than with the body pillow. I also am getting up every two hours or less to pee.
Best Moment of the Week: We did maternity/family/Hailey 4 year pics on the 20th. So fun!
Movement: Yes! Everyday all the time.
Food Craving: Fountain cokes.
Food Aversions: Sometimes I smell things that don't agree with me, but not too often.
Morning Sickness: None.
Gender: We found out on 3/9 that we are having a BOY!
Symptoms: Nothing too outrageous. Mostly just uncomfortable and tired. It's not quite an outie. I'm still wearing my right hand ring on my left hand. I feel like I am not swollen with this baby. I remember with Hailey I was so swollen and huge! I wonder if the humidity-free weather has anything to do with that.
What I miss: Being able to bend over. Not being out of breath after walking. The stairs not being such a struggle. Just being comfortable in general.
What I'm looking forward to: We set a date for our c-section. He will be here no later than July 14th! We also are taking a hospital tour next week and I am really excited for that!
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