Happy Friday friends!!
I'm going to Arizona! It's going to be a quick trip down to the Phoenix area on the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving (one way air plane ride), and then Green Grandma, her 4 pups and I are road-trippin it back to Minnesota (in her little convertible I might add...did you read that she has 4 dogs?). Seriously I need a TV show for this trip, cause it will definitely be a TRIP! I'm literally going to be sleeping there and that's it, cause we're heading out the very next morning. Thanksgiving morning. I hope to be back in Minnesota on Saturday. Wish me luck!
I opened up my email one day this week and got this email from our vet. And although I knew this and I appreciate it, it just made me sad to think about it. :(
THIS post that Mandy wrote this week! So needed to read it and it came at the perfect time. I so love her and the way she thinks! Be true to yourself please!! As I explained this week in my BBC Recap post, I blog about my life and don't have a niche. I blog to blog, because I love it and want to be able to look back on it. I want to be able to show Hailey as she gets older. I also love the community that there is and the friendships I have made because of it. That's all.
Be sure to go enter my Target gift card giveaway! It ends on Tuesday!
And last but not least. There MIGHT be big changes in our personal life happening (no I'm not pregnant), that I hope to share with you all very soon. Sorry for being vague, but I gotta keep it quiet for now. I hope you understand!
Thanks friends! Have a great weekend!
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Screw niches! :) I like being non-niche. I can do whatever I want.
Life changing news?? I can't wait to hear what it is!!
I couldn't agree more & just posted something similar about blogging for yourself, today!
And I want to know about this life changing news as well! Hope you're able to share soon! = )
Have a safe trip! And you can't tease us like that! I want to know what's up.
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