Excited: For Falen and Paul's Halloween party on Friday night! Woohoo! Mama needs a night out!
Worried: Not really about anything at the moment. I'm just being impatient with life.
Reading: Only blogs at the moment. Trying to catch up.
Creating: This blog post. Hey, at least I'm blogging, right?
Loving: My new dark hair! You would know that though already if you follow me on Instagram!
Hating: The weather. It's just dreary and rainy and cold.
Wondering: About our credit score and house/loan stuff. Again, just me being impatient.
Eating: Pretzel sticks at my desk for my afternoon snack.
Drinking: A coke.
Craving: Nothing at the moment which is unheard of.
Hoping: That Hailey's Halloween costume will finally come together. I found orange leggings yesterday after searching high and low for them. Can't wait for tomorrow!
Watching on TV: So much!! See this post HERE. I've also added the Blacklist to my long list of shows per a recommendation from a friend and I LOVE it!!! I also love James Spader. He plays such a good bad-good guy.

Listening to: MyTalk 107.1 - Yes, I've become THAT person who loves talk radio. Especially celeb trash talk.
Wearing: Nothing fancy today. Gray dress pants from JCP and a navy blue shirt from Kohls. Work attire.
Looking forward to: A great night with friends, a few adult beverages and my friend, Paul's, buffalo chicken dip on Friday night. See also what I'm Excited for.
Feeling: Tired, but motivated.
Weather: Rainy and chilly. No snow yet though.
Wanting: To get all caught up on blogging.
Needing: A million $. Haha. Doesn't everyone?
Thinking: I have so much to blog and catch up on, but struggling with finding time lately.
Enjoying: My coke. See also what I'm drinking.
I saw the dark hair on insta and loved it!
What are you dressing up as? Have fuN!
I love the Blacklist so much!! I can't wait for the next episode
Now I want a coke! ;)
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