This was Nicole & Al's wedding weekend. I took the day off and my Dad dropped me off at my Aunt & Uncle's house (parents of the bride) mid-day, so then Wayne & I wouldn't have two cars the next day at the wedding & reception. So I car-pooled with them to the rehearsal and dinner.
The ceremony was at Northwestern College in the Nazareth Chapel in St. Paul. Absolutely beautiful.

Dinner was at Grumpy's in Roseville. They did a build your own burger bar AND had an open bar! Woohoo!

We all got liquor for our gift! Go figure! All the ladies ended up spending the night at The Bride's parents house, but we pretty much all just went to bed. It was going to be an early morning and a long day.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
The next morning we all got up early, had mimosas and breakfast and got our hair and make-up did at the house.
1. Nicole, the Bride, getting hair did.
2. Me & Nicole after hair, still in our comfies.
3. Cody. RIP. He died about a month after this.
4. Me & my cousin, Jenna, who is also sister of the Bride and fellow bridesmaid. Riding in the car on our way to Northwestern College.

5. We arrived at Northwestern and helped the bride get into her dress.

6. I snapped a quick selfie to send to the Hubs.

7. On our way to the "first sighting." The photographer in me took over and became a little bossy at this point. I just wanted everything to go smoothly and wanted both Nic and Al to have a memorable first sighting with great pictures.

8. After the first sighting we did all the professional pictures.

9. After a few hours of pictures and hanging out. It was time to gear up for the ceremony.

10. Walking down the aisle.

11. A few ceremony pictures.

12. After the ceremony we were ready to get our party on in this:

13. Me saying that I drank WAY too much is a huge understatement. It was damn good fun, but I definitely can't party like I used to.

14. So much fun! Arriving at the reception which was at the Park Plaza Hotel in Bloomington. Which coincidentally was where Wayne and I had our reception 6.5 years ago! Aw. What memories.

15. The group waiting to make our grand entrance.

16. Us making our grand entrance.

Dinner and the reception got underway. They had a great buffet and cake and got right into the speeches.
17. Bride & Groom's first dance.

18. Hailey had so much fun dancing the night away. She was all over the place and probably on the dance floor more than anyone else. She loves weddings!

19. And I have to end this post with pictures of my loves!

It was a great day and night with lots of fun had and memories made.
Congratulations Nicole & Al!!!