Linking up with Darci today! Just a few tidbits for this week.

I'm so excited that Wayne and I are FINALLY meeting with United Credit Consultants on Monday morning. We've been thinking about this for awhile now and just have been putting it off, but we are getting really serious about trying to buy a house within the next year and we desperately need help with getting our credit cleaned up and back on track. I haven't talked about this all too much. Mostly because it's just plain embarrassing, but hey that's life, right? We were so not responsible with money and credit in our 20's and have made a commitment to do better in our 30's. We want to try for baby #2 sooner, rather than later, but I want to get our credit cleaned up and be farther along in the house buying process. So yay for taking first steps.

I finally got the Magic Bullet today in the mail I ordered last week. It was like Christmas at work when it arrived this morning. I've heard NOTHING but GREAT things about it and am excited to start using it.

I got my nails done and am loving this "Rose Bud" by CND Shellac. I have been keeping french on my toes. I only get a pedi about once a month cause I do gel polish and it seems to stay great for that long. I get my nails done though usually twice a month and that way whatever color I get on my nails will just mesh with my toes.

I am so excited for this weekend!

It's going to be busy, but fun. Tonight, after work, I am heading to an ex-co-workers baby shower with a few other ex-coworkers and one current one. It's a Baby -Q. I always love seeing and catching up with these ladies and a gent.
Saturday AM, I plan on going to work out. My sisters are spending the weekend at our house, so I have built in babysitters! Yay!! I plan on having an afternoon date with the Hubby. We're thinking Crave and maybe a movie. We have a GC that we need to use to Crave. Then I might be going to Babe's tomorrow night with friends again...for the 2nd Saturday in a row.
Sunday AM, we are heading to the MOA to meet Karmin and then headed to the MN Zoo to see The Wanted and Carly Rae Jepsen. Let's hear it for great music and cute boy bands!

Lastly, I've been eyeing this watch from Kate Spade. My silver one broke, so I am in the hunt for a replacment, although with how expensive it is, it might have to wait until our Anniversary in November. I need a reason to actually spend that much moola. Gah!
We are thinking about buying a new house and baby #2 someday in the future- such big decisions! Hopefullybyiunguys can get back on track soon!
Sounds like a fun weekend ahead!! And yay for beginning house buying process :)
3 things. One - so sorry I'm late in commenting on this post. I'm way behind with my blog reading. Two - I want that nail polish (or shellac)!! Such a pretty color. And Three - I also want a magic bullet!! So jealous! lol
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