So instead of doing the whole week long vacation in one blog post,
I decided to break it up and do a couple days at a time.
Preface: Wayne's Aunt Dana, Uncle Jason and their two boys, Logan and Jackson, live on Long Island in a small town called Point Lookout. It's BEAUTIFUL. They moved there a couple years ago from Florida, so it was not only our first time out there to visit them at their new house and in their new city, but it was our first time in New York. Wayne's Green Grandma was also there for the week, as well as his brother Andy. We really had a great week and did lots of fun things. It was our first family vacation as the three of us AND Wayne's first vacation since our honeymoon back in 2007. Let's just say it was a much anticipated trip. Hailey also turned 1 years old while we were there!
Saturday June 23, 2012
Our plane left early in the morning. Like "get up at 5am when your 1 year old likes to sleep in" early. But (deep breath) we made it to the airport and through security on time with no roadblocks. Thanks to my Mom for also getting up early and dropping us off at the door.
Overall our plane ride there went great (other than the poop blowout Hailey had all over my jeans as we landed. Ugh. So gross.) We were in the very last row, right by the bathrooms. That actually wasn't the worst, because all the people waiting for the toilet kept her very entertained the whole plane ride. Yay! We didn't buy Hailey her own seat, but was fortunate to have an empty seat in our row. That worked out great. She played on the floor, she played in her seat, she looked out the window, she ate her cheddar penquins, she smiled at everyone. Overall it was a better experience than what I expected.
Dana picked us up from the airport.
Hailey riding in her seat checking out New York on the way to the Monti House.
We got to the house, settled in and said Hi to everyone.
Hailey making herself right at home.
We decided to go to the beach for a couple hours. It's literally a 5 minute walk from their house.
It was Hailey's first trip to the ocean and let's just say she wasn't a fan. I think because it was loud and the water was very cold, she just wasn't having any of it.
They live in the smallest, but cutest community. It's some-what of a private community. You have to have a certain pass to get onto the beach and the park, etc.
There are several restaurants in walking distance from their house, right across the street on one side is a drug store, across the street on the other side is a liquor store and two doors down is an ice cream shop. Could it get any better?
We had the local pizza for dinner and ended up hanging out for the night. We were exhausted from traveling and the beach.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
We were going to head to the Central Park Zoo, but it ended up being ridiculously hot outside, so we opted to go to the beach instead. Day 2 at the beach was a little better. Hailey still wasn't a fan of the actual ocean, but she did take a nap under the umbrella and played in the sand.
That night we headed into the city. Gramma stayed with the kids so us adults could go explore. We took a train to Penn Station and then went from there. Thank god for Jason, because I would have gotten so lost.
We walked around the 9/11 Memorial site. It was eerily quiet, but a very powerful time still. This wall memorial was very cool to see.
We didn't get to go in and see the fountains or anything because it was closed. It was a Sunday night and we got there after it closed. It was still very cool to walk around in that area and to think about all those buildings being covered in soot and those were the very streets that people were running down when it all happened. So crazy to be there and think about that.
We ate at this great little Irish Pub, which was delicious. We then did some shopping at Forever 21, the Disney Store and the M&M store in Times Square. I also got to see the Naked Cowboy on my very first trip.
Times Square was so busy, so I'm not sure I ever really need to go back there specifically, but I do want to take Hailey to the 9/11 Memorial someday as well as the Zoo.
This concludes Days 1 & 2 of our New York Family Vacation 2012.
This concludes Days 1 & 2 of our New York Family Vacation 2012.
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