Going over to Carissa to link up for Miscellany Monday.
1. I would say I'm ready for Fall so that our schedules slow down a bit, but our schedules don't really slow down until October/November this year. At least I'm hoping they will slow down. And although I LOVE summer and am trying to enjoy it as much as possible with Hailey, this Mama needs a break and needs to hibernate. I feel like everyday is a marathon.
2. Speaking of hibernating...can't wait for fall TV to start up. Looks like there are going to be so many great shows starting. The only problem is getting hooked on one and then it getting cancelled. I fell like it's such a waste of time then. So glad Revenge was picked up for Season 2!
It has switched from Wednesday nights to Sunday nights, so we will see how that fits into the schedule.
3. I'm so behind on blogging, but am really trying to get caught up. My photography business is always booming this time of year with graduation pictures and then a wedding or 2 on top of that. Don't get me wrong, I love it, it just can get overwhelming at times with a full-time job, side business, 1 year old, Husband, Family, etc. I just have lots on my plate at the moment and am trying to focus on one thing at a time.
4. Did I miss this? Taken 2? I absolutely LOVE the first one so much and Liam Neeson, too.
Can't wait!
5. I swiped all my pictures off my phone last week. 600+ down to zero. Yes, I back up all my pictures. Don't worry. Of course after this weekend I'm back up to 100+. Never fails. The iPhone is just so darn convenient.
6. Speaking of Apple, Hubs and I are looking at possibly getting a MacBook. We have an iPad now, but neither one of us really uses it for it to be worthwhile. We are thinking of trading in the iPad and our current PC laptop for a Macbook. Thoughts?
7. Wayne is back on the weight loss train. He started about a week and a half ago. After 6 days, he was already down 8 lbs. Go him!!
8. Anybody out there watching Bachelor Pad? Is it me or is this season so annoying? EVERYONE on the show right now is just annoying to me. Ugh.
9. I finally got to meet my friend, Krista's little girl, Kate, last week. They came in for lunch to visit the office while she is on maternity leave. She is seriously SO CUTE!!
10. If you haven't checked out my July Photoaday Challenge post go HERE!
11. My Hubs is the greatest. After staying the week with his Aunt in New York and using hers, this had been on my list to get. Well, he surprised me yet again.
12. Also on my want list: these shoes.
I need a new pair desperately. Love them.
Any random things going on in your world? Let me know!
Any random things going on in your world? Let me know!
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