Wayne had an event to host Friday evening so he dropped Hailey off at my parents house for the afternoon. My sisters were planning on spending the weekend with us, so instead of me going to get Hailey, my Mom brought her home along with the girls. It was so nice to get a couple errands done and then go home, eat dinner and get my cleaning done for the week.
Once they got to my house, we just hung out for the evening and went to bed.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
It was kind of a cold/rainy day. We hung out in the morning and watched My Week with Marilyn.
I liked it a lot and I think Michelle Williams was excellent in it. She is just so beautiful in this movie.
That afternoon we ran some errands. I had to pick up a birthday cake for my Brother's 21st birthday we were celebrating that night at Babe's. We ended up having dinner at Mongos (seriously love that place) with Falen and my family. We then all went home to our respective places to get ready for the evening.
It was such a great night and I think my brother had fun!!!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
I had way too much fun the night before and was really dragging butt. I did manage to get all my chores done for the day, but it definitely took me awhile to get moving. My parents and brother came up for a bit in the afternoon to pick up my sisters, but then my Dad stayed for the WWE pay-per view that night. I love that our house is the hang-out house. So we watched the pay-per view and then went to bed!
What a fantastic weekend! How was yours?
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