Friday night I ran a few errands (Michaels and Target) before going home.
I then went home, ate dinner with the Hubs and hung out with Hailey. Hubs left at 9pm like usual and by that time Hailey was down for the night, too, so I surfed the net for awhile, before heading to bed rather early. It was a normal (low key) Friday night for me.
Saturday, 03.03.2012
I packed up Hailey, dropped her of at my parents house and then went to Amanda and Greg's house for the maternity photo shoot. Amanda is 38 weeks pregnant, so it was really fun. I did their engagement photos in the fall of 2010, their wedding in June 2011 and now they are expecting a little boy in a couple weeks. Once I get the pictures edited, I will do a separate post about that. It was fun though and I had a great time.
I then stopped at Target again to grab a few things I had missed the night before and then went and hung out with my family at my parents house. We watched Crazy, Stupid Love.
Hubby took me to it when it first came out, but my Mom and sister had not seen it yet What?! I couldn't believe it, so we watched it. Plus, who doesn't love Ryan Gosling??
I strategically plan that Hailey and I head home at bedtime, always making sure she is fed beforehand. She falls asleep in the car on the way home, I transfer her gracefully to her crib and then she is was out for the night. I knew Lindsay Lohan was on SNL, so I planted myself in bed, but I was so beat from the day, I only made it about halfway. I did see The Real Housewives of Disney. Seriously so HILARIOUS!! Go watch! I ended up watching the rest of SNL Sunday afternoon, but it really wasn't great. Don't get me wrong, I like LiLo and probably am the only person on this planet that does, but the skits were disappointing.
Sunday, 03.04.2012
This morning I met a couple for breakfast that is interested in me photographing their wedding in December. It was a great meeting and they are such a cute couple! Yay for new clients!
I then stopped at the mall on my way home to exchange a super cute, new pair of black boots to a larger size. Can't wait to wear them and show them off. I also got a red pair of peep-toe pumps that I will have to share as well. I love shopping!
Wayne had went out to breakfast with our friend Adam and played video games in the basement like boys do. Anyone else's significant other like video games? I took a nap while Hailey napped. I couldn't even keep my eyes open.
Then we ate dinner and Husband was bound and determined to get me hooked on The Walking Dead. It is currently in the middle of season 2 and he has seen all episodes, so I am playing catch-up.
Anybody watch it?
Well, 3 episodes in and I'm hooked.
That pretty much consisted of our Sunday night, but it was rather lovely hanging out with him.
Overall, I had a great weekend! How was yours?
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