Friday, July 1, 2011
Today was our first day home from the hospital. Wayne was still off of work and at home with us. I was still extremely sore and not able to drive because of the percocet I was taking for the c-section. Hailey was due back at the Dr.'s office that afternoon to check-up on her jaundice, which the Dr. said she was "in the clear." He said her skin looked great and usually once they come back from jaundice they don't regress and get it again. So that at least was great news. She was also back up to her birth weight of 6lbs. 9oz. Yay! That means she's growing and eating well!
Also, one of her newborn screening tests came back abnormal. They believe it was because she was on IV's in the NICU for so long. They wanted to re-test her for it and they needed blood plasma in order to do that. It was sort of scary for me watching them prick her arm and take blood, just like they would for an adult. I thought they would just be able to take it from her foot, but since they needed PLASMA, they had to take it from the arm. Who knew? This is her waiting in the Dr.'s office. She did such a great job and didn't even cry when they pricked her.
She looks so little.
P.S. The test came back negative. :)
Saturday, July 2, 2011
My Mom's best friend, Shelly, came for a visit that afternoon.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
This was Hailey & one of her puppies, Tony. He loves her so much.
Here she is 1 week old already and her first bath at home.
She was NOT a happy girl.
We had Wayne's family over to visit as most of them weren't able to hold her at all in the hospital. Here are a few of them holding her for the first time.
Monday, July 4, 2011
With it being 4th of July and since Wayne had to work at night, my Mom came and picked us both up and took us to her house for a bit. It was nice to get out of the house at least for a little while. We got to see Uncle Ross.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Today was my boss' birthday, so we decided to take Hailey for her first trip downtown to meet my co-workers and my boss for her birthday lunch. My boss didn't know we were coming and it was great to surprise her with little miss Hailey.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Hailey was 10 days old and I was leaving her for the first time. My MIL came and watched her that evening while I went to the Nicki Minaj/Britney Spears concert with Lemonhead.
Nicki Minaj
Femme Fatale Tour
Britney Spears
Me & Lemonhead
Friday, July 8, 2011
Some family was in town from Florida and we met them for lunch at Broadway Pizza - Robbinsdale.
This is Cousin Kari with Hailey. Her kids, Kally & Drew were also with, but they were both scared to hold her. Haha.
Later, that afternoon we took a trip to Clara City. It was Prairie Fest weekend and since my Gramma Kleene was unable to travel to see us due to her knew replacement surgery the week before (when Hailey was 2 days old), we went to see her. This is Great Grandma Kleene and Hailey at 12 days old.
This is the 4 generations.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Today is when all the festivities occur. This is the post from Prairie Fest last summer. They have games and food in the park and then a parade later in the afternoon.
Hailey in her stroller in the park (13 days old).
It was very warm and bright out, so I decided to put her sunglasses on. They were a little too big.
We hung out most of the afternoon at my Aunt Cari's and Uncle Jeff's house. This is my Aunt Cindy feeding her and seeing her for the first time.
Cindy wanted to get a few family pics.
My Dad, Me, Hailey & My Mom
My Dad being funny.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Today we went to our friend Nicole's babyshower. She is Kayla's younger sister and HERE is a picture of her and Holly Marie at 30 weeks.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Today we went to FLASH Portraits in Ridegdale for Hailey's newborn photo shoot. Here is a sneak peak:
Stay tuned for more of her pictures.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Today I had my 2 week Dr appointment. They checked my c-section incision and it looked great and I got the OK to drive since I hadn't been taking the percocet anymore. Yay!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Hailey had her 2 week Dr check - up. Since I was still breastfeeding/pumping they wanted to make sure she was gaining weight and doing good. She weighed in at 7lbs. 3oz. Yay for a growing baby!
That night my cousin Beth was meeting me at our house to meet Hailey and then we were headed off to the NKOTBSB concert! Here is both groups!
Me & Beth
It was seriously one of the best concerts I've ever been to!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
My Mom's girlfriends wanted to throw Hailey & I a shower. We went to Theresa's house. Here is the super cute cake:
Her first purse. And here are all of us ladies.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Wayne and I went to WWE Smackdown. It was a fun night just him & I.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
My BFF, Kayla, had her little boy, Dylan Joseph. He was born at 9lbs, 9oz. Exactly 3 lbs bigger than Hailey when she was born. We went and visited them in the hospital. They are exactly 1 month apart.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
My youngest sister, Kate's birthday was July 30th. They were going up to a family friend's cabin for the weekend, so we celebrated her birthday the Thursday before. She turned 12 and my parents decided to get her her first cell phone. I went with my Mom to pick it out. We ate dinner and gave her her new phone. She was super excited! I was planning on taking her to a concert for her birthday that was at the end of August, but she didn't know that yet at this point! Happy Birthday, Kate. Love you!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
2 of my co-worker's, Nancy and Krista, met me at our house and we went to our ex-co-worker, Mary's baby shower.I got to bring Hailey with and show her off. I love being able to do that because I'm such a proud Mama.
Stay tuned for the August and September update!