Showing posts with label products. Show all posts
Showing posts with label products. Show all posts
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Currently {April 2012}

Currently {April 2012}
Thursday, April 5, 2012
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I am linking up with Jenn at Perfectly Imperfect


current book (s)

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


I started it awhile back, but I'm just really getting into the meat and potatoes of it. I have been taking the bus and reading, so that has helped me move along. I can't wait to watch the movies

current playlist (s)

The Wanted
Carly Rae Jepsen
Pit Bull

current color(s)

Hot Chilis by CND Shellac



I absolutely love it!!

current food (s)

Cranberry Chicken Wrap:
dried cranberries and
poppyseed dressing in a wrap.

It's delish!!

current favorite show (s)

Game of Thrones on HBO. The Hubs and I are catching up on S1 so we can start S2.


Fashion Star on NBC. I'm a Jessica Simpson fan and love the format of this show.


New Girl. Still loving every episode. Also see current celebrity crush.


Revenge starts new again 4/18.


current needs

Mongos. I went to dinner there with a couple girlfriends last weekend and now that's all I can think about.
current triumph(s)

Riding the bus for the last 8 days straight and bringing my lunch all week this week.Hopefully I can keep this streak going!

current bane (s) of my existence

Having to go renew my license. It expires on Monday. I guess I better get on it.

current celebrity crush

Max Greenfield


He plays Schmidt in New Girl and is hilarious!

current #1 blessing

My family. Obviously Hailey and the Hubs are #1, but my MIL watches Hailey in the afternoons for us, so we don't have to take her to daycare right now. So great for us and then Hailey gets 1 on 1 time with her Gramma Kim. Win, win!

current indulgence

Hershey's Cookies 'n' Cream


current outfit


Work attire...brown dress pants from Victoria Secret...coral top from Target

current excitement

Birthday work lunch tomorrow, low-key weekend, taking Hails to see Easter bunny at some point this weekend, Easter Sunday dinner at MIL's

current mood


current favorite quote or verse


current wishlist item

Keyboard for my iPad

current favorite products

Burts Bees Lip Balm

What are your current(s)?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Midweek Randoms {04.04.2012}

Midweek Randoms {04.04.2012}
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
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Happy 15th Birthday to my younger sister, Amie, today. She is not only my sister, but Hailey's Aunt AND Godmother! I love you so much!!

We are having her birthday dinner tonight at my parents house and then Amie has requested to watch the SERIES FINALE of One Tree Hill together. I can't believe after 9 seasons it's going to be over. Wah! And even thoughthe cast has changed over the years, it's still better than ever.
This is the original cast:

The finale cast:

Baptism Invites were done last week and went in the mail on Monday. I wanted to wait for people to see them before posting it. I did them myself and am so happy how they turned out.

I know what I will be doing for food for the baptism, but I can't decide where I want to order Hailey's baptism cake from. I had a cake made for Adam's birthday party from the same bakery that did our wedding cake, but I don't know if I want to go with them again or try something different.
We decided to keep this gathering somewhat small (Immediate family, grandparents and sponsors), but we plan on going all out for her first birthday in June. Is it sad or normal that I'm already thinking of her first birthday? I already have somewhat a theme going. I think.

I turn 29 next week. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Right now I have no words.

My boss is hosting a lunch on Friday to celebrate my birthday. I'm excited for that. Yummy, free lunch from Cosi.

Last Friday, Hailey and I went to see The Wanted at the KDWB Skyroom.They are from the UK and are super dreamy. I'm obsessed with this song "Glad You Came" and have been for quite sometime now.

They performed this song "Lose My Mind" and now I'm loving this song, too.

Here are our pictures from the Skyroom. Here is Max (my fave) holding Hailey.

Hailey Mommy flirting with the boys.

Then Daddy stepped in.

Us with the boys.

So fun! This is their newest single "Lightning" that was released just this past Tuesday.

  Their album comes out on April 24th and I can't wait to get it!
Next Tuesday Hailey is going to be modeling some baby clothes on the Kare 11 Today show. It airs every morning at 11:00 am after the Today show. I'm hoping to get a copy the segment she will be on. I want to be able to share it. I am way more excited about it than I probably should be, but she gets to keep the clothes she models in. Yay! That's about all I know.
I got my most recent Norwex order this week. At Rachel's party on 3/17/2012, I ordered a few things. I haven't been able to really try the new stuff out yet, but I will let you know when I do.
Kitchen Scrub Cloth
I wanted this for the kitchen to scrub down the stove, refrigerator, sink, dishes or pots and pans. I decided I rather not use my Kitchen Cloths for that and with spring cleaning I thought it would be nice to have.
White Netted Dish Cloth

This is a dish or pot/pan scrubber. It's supposed to replace your dish sponges. I'm hoping to get rid of our sponges and not have to buy anymore.Plus, do you know how much bacteria is in a used sponge? Gross!

Kitchen Cloth Set - 3 pack

I already have this set, but wanted another set. I'm constantly wiping the counters, or Hailey's face, or her highchair tray, etc. Although I know I don't have to, I have been washing them probably about every other day.


I got this for our shoes mostly. Mine can get so stinky, as can Wayne's. This also works great on equipment bags or sporting equipment, etc.

Hand Towel (for the bathroom)

I wanted to at least start getting bathroom products. I'm hoping to get some of the body towels, the bath mat and a few more body wash cloths at some point, too.


Carpet Stain Buster

I am the most excited about this. With 4 dogs our carpet can get so bad and I know with this I am not spraying harmful chemicals on the floor for Hailey to soak in.

If you don't know what Norwex is and want to learn more, read my post HERE
If you want to go look up any of the products go HERE!
They have a great search tool that you can look up anything!

Let me know if you have any questions.
Email me at
Mrs. Mama D
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Baby Toys

Baby Toys
Thursday, March 22, 2012
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When Hailey was born, we registered and were gifted a Baby Einstein Musical Motion Activity Jumper at our baby shower.


She didn't really start using it until about 4 months when she could really hold her head up and balance. Well, now that she's almost 9 months, she still likes playing with it, but she just rather be on the outside walking around it, instead the inside. Even though the seat swivels and she can reach everything on the play set, she doesn't like being restricted anymore. Go figure.

Don't get me wrong, she and us got our fair share of use out of it for the last 5 months or so, but now just like many baby items, she has out grown it so fast and now is more interested in other things.

Since she is standing most of the time now, I popped into Once Upon a Child last week to just look at some toy options for her. I got this LeapFrog Learn and Groove Musical Table for $7. I don't know if the sound actually works, yet ( I need to flip it over and put batteries in it), but even if it doesn't, it still keeps her entertained and for how cheap it was I just couldn't pass it up. They run $40+ brand new.


What a deal, right? I'm sure in no time, she will be over this and onto the next thing anyway.

I also picked up an activity walker for $10. It kind of looks like this:


I keep this one at my parents house, cause I bought a different (brand new) one at Target. I haven't opened the one from Target. It was about $26, which isn't horrible for brand new, but we will see. I just hate spending so much on these things, when I know that 2 months from now (or less), she will be over it and onto bigger and better things, right? I guess that just comes with the territory of having kids though. Thank god for garage sales, consignment shops and other places like Once Upon a Child.

There's always something to look forward to.

Mrs. Mama D
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Norwex Update!

Norwex Update!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
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If you don't know what Norwex is and want to learn more, read my post HERE!

Here is my Norwex update:

At Shelly's party on 2/20/2012, I ordered a few things. I just received them last week, so I haven't had much time to try out the new things, but this is what I ordered:

Tea Towel Set - olive green

I had gotten the Kitchen Cloth Set (pack of 3) from my party in January and love them, but the Tea Towel set, includes a hand towel AND one kitchen cloth AND they match. Not that I care so much about matching, but I can if I'm having people over.


Dishwashing Liquid

Not only for dishes, but I heard this works great on stains, too. Any kind of stains. Since I just got it, I haven't had time to try it out yet, but I will be doing future posts about Norwex and what new products I like, etc.


Sanira Toilet Brush System

I got one from my party in January for our upstairs bathroom, but I wanted one for the basement bathroom, too.


Laundry Detergent

I got another bag. I got my first one back at the end of November and then just ran out of it in mid-February, so I did purchase some other detergent in the mean-time. But my Hubs told me to always keep an extra bag on hand, so I will probably be getting another one soon for back-up.

It did last me quite a long time. At least I think so.


Silver Care Toothbrush

I got one for me back in November, but finally got one for the Hubs, too. He loves it. At least that's what he tells me. Ha.


Odor Eliminator

I bought this hoping to use it like Febreeze. I haven't used it yet, cause I need to get a spray water bottle since it has to be diluted. I'm probably most excited to use this product.


At Rachel's party on Saturday, I ordered the following:
  • Kitchen Scrub Cloth
  • Dish Cloth
  • Kitchen Cloth Set - 3 pack (yes, another 3 pack)
  • Sportzyme
  • Hand Towel (for the bathroom)
  • Carpet Stain Buster
If you want to go look up any of the products go HERE!

They have a great search tool that you can look up anything!

Let me know if you have any questions.

Email me at

Mrs. Mama D
Friday, March 16, 2012

The Nail Files & 5QF {03.16.2012}

The Nail Files & 5QF {03.16.2012}
Friday, March 16, 2012
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I'm linking up with Tara for Nail Files.

I got mine done on Tuesday night. I was so thankful for the Hubs that he picked up the Babe for me after work, so I could get them done. They were in desperate need of some TLC!




It is Strawberry Smoothie from CND Shellac. It is a little lighter than what I was expecting, but it grew on me and I have gotten so many compliments on it.


I'm also linking up with Mama M for Five Question Friday!

1. Will you run to the store or to pick up a kid looking a mess?

I try not to as best as I can, but sometimes yes, I think you just don't have a choice or the time to get all primped. I always put my hair up though. I think that helps a ton!

2. Do you finish a book if it's boring or you don't like it?

No. There are too many books in the world to waste your time reading something you're not into. Why do that to yourself.

3. Beach or mountain vacations?

Beach. All the way. I will pick the beach over anything any day.

4. What thing/event says "winter will end and spring is right around the corner" to you?

I always think of DST as a transition from winter to spring, but in Minnesota, you never really know for sure.

5. Would you prefer couples or family vacation?

It depends on where we are going and really depends on how I'm feeling. My Hubs and I are trying to plan something just the 2 of us for some time next winter...a cruise or something of the sort, but at some point we would like to take Hailey to Disney World or Disneyland. So I think it just depends.


Go link  up with these lovely ladies and let me know how your week went!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Target Tuesday {03.13.2012}

Target Tuesday {03.13.2012}
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
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Linking up with Tara for Target Tuesday.

Today I am featuring five kitchen related items that are on my need-list.

I never know where to keep bananas. They are usually just sitting on the counter taking up space and getting in the way. Also, Wayne does not like to keep the apples in the fridge and right now I have them sitting in a bowl on our kitchen table. This would be nice to have for both apples and bananas.


I've always wanted a nice punch bowl and with Hailey's baptism and first birthday coming up, it might be the perfect time to get one.

I've always wanted one of these, too, even though I don't bake very much right now. As Hailey gets older though I can see us baking more often for different occasions.


Right now I do not have anywhere to display my 8 wine glasses. That might change somewhere down the road, but for now this would work great. I'm not sure if this specific one would fit my glasses, but something of this sort would be wonderful.


We have a dark brown (chocolate) colored table. I like the way these look for special occasions. Definitely something different. 

Anything on your Target list?

Mrs. Mama D
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Target Tuesday {03.06.2012}

Target Tuesday {03.06.2012}
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
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I am linking up with Tara at Fabulous But Evil for Target Tuesday!


I bought this dress from Target:


In the name it says Petites. I am NOT Petite, but I tried it on and it fit, so I decided to keep it. I wore it to work.



Dress: Target
Tights: Target
Boots: Alfani Paolal Fashion Ankle Boot from Macy's


I love shopping!

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