Tuesday, June 15, 2010

"Boat Off" to Summer

Memorial Day 2010

So instead of a "kick off" to summer we did a "boat off" to summer instead. We got Billie Jean in the water and went cruising!


It was a beautiful Memorial Day. Jeannine, Jerry, Chloe and their dog Marley were fishing on the lake, and decided to stop by and say Hi!


Jeannine and Wayne actually went to Prom together in High School and now are both married and both live in Buffalo. Too funny!

Chloe and Marley cooling off.


After hanging out for awhile on the dock, we decided to take Billie Jean for a spin.


Jeannine got herself (and her belly) onto her raft and enjoyed some sun! We were drifting in, so we decided to pull her behind and head back out onto the lake.


That's her with her baby belly. She's 6 months pregnant and can pull off a bikini! You go girl!

Overall, it was a great day with great friends. That's it for May! Stay tuned for June!


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